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Re: Members of the IUCr Computing Commission

>     We will now have to start the planning of a next computing school.
>     Relevant questions are:
>     - Is a similar combination of school + congress possible/desirable
>       for the 2008 Osaka IUCr Congress ?

A school just prior to Osaka seems the most practical - though - 

Is there an affordable venue - and affordable accommodation that can be used
before the 2008 Osaka IUCr Congress?

>     - What will be the carrying theme of the school ?

I believe Ralf had the suggestion from Siena that perhaps the school should focus 
on bringing tegether existing developers (old and young) - as a sort of 
"hackers school" - including evening tutorial sessions in the style of
the George Sheldrick tutorial.

Thus perhaps a theme could be:  
"bringing together new and established crystallographic software authors".  

The plenary style speakers get the 45 minute slots.  Newer/younger developers 
get 20 to 25 minute slots to discuss new software authoring developments.

>ad2) Our commission member Lachlan Cranswick Edited an informative
>     newsletter in the previous 2002-2005 period. 
>     Is this something to continue ? New ideas ?

A nice thing about a newsletter is it forces something to happen semi-regularly.

(The current issue is delayed due to me doing the TEaching Commission newsletter
that it turning out to be a lot of work.  Hope to have a COmputing Commission
newsletter out sometime in October/November.  (unless alternatives are desired))

If alternatives are desired - it should still have something with a deadline, 
that forces something to happen - and not keep getting delayed as people have
higher priorities with their time.


Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Contact outside working hours /
  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:
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Home Tel: (613) 584-4226   ;   Mobile/Cell: 613 401 3433   
WWW: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0

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