Dear Members of the 2005-2008 IUCr Computing Commission Please consider this message to our list as a starting point for a lively discussion on the following issues: 1 - The next Crystallographic Computing School 2 - Issues to be addressed by the computing commission ad1) Prior to the IUCr Florence meeting we organised a computing school in Siena, close to Florence. This type of combining of activities turns out to be very efficient. We will now have to start the planning of a next computing school. Relevant questions are: - Is a similar combination of school + congress possible/desirable for the 2008 Osaka IUCr Congress ? - What will be the carrying theme of the school ? ad2) Our commission member Lachlan Cranswick Edited an informative newsletter in the previous 2002-2005 period. Is this something to continue ? New ideas ? I hope that all commission members will share their views on the above issues by sending their suggestions to this list: Best wishes Ton Spek Chairman of the IUCr Computing Commission -- #=========================================================================== # Prof. Dr. A.L.Spek, Laboratory of Crystal and Structural Chemistry # # Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University. # # (Kruytgebouw, room N801), Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. # # E-mail: # # # # anonymous ftp: # # FAX : (31)-30-2533940 PHONE : (31)-30-2532538/2533/3902/3502 # #=========================================================================== _______________________________________________ compcomm mailing list
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