Link to the XX Congress of the IUCr, Florence, Italy website Banner for Siena 2005 School of Crystallography
Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena, Tuscany, Italy, Thursday 18th - Tuesday 23rd August 2005.


Note: To get from Siena to the IUCr Florence congress on the afternoon of the 23rd of August, a bus will be provided as part of registration cost.

Getting to Siena

Map of Italy showing location of Siena . . Schematic Map of Siena showing car parks, highway and train station

i) Map of Italy showing Siena and ii) schematic map of the city of Siena showing car parks, highway and train station

Getting to Siena (For Italians)

Getting to Siena by Car

Those arriving from the north can take the Chiantigiana from Florence (SS 222 - 72 km) that elegantly crosses the hills of Chianti or the highway (SS 2 superstrada Siena/Firenze - 68 km).

From the south, Siena can be reached by taking the Autoway from Rome (A1 Roma-Firenze, exit Valdichiana), turning right on state highway n°326 (Bettolle-Siena - 240 km).

Getting to Siena by Bus

There are direct connections with a variety of cities to the north and to the south of Siena. The most frequent connections are:

  • Firenze rapid connection (1h 15 min) or direct connection via Poggibonsi, Colle Val d’Elsa (1h 35 min): TRAIN (phone 0577204245), SITA (toll free number 800373760). Departures from the bus station located in front of Santa Maria Novella train station, the main train station in Florence;
  • Rome: direct connection (2 h 45 min), departure from Tiburtina Station in Rome, SENA (toll free number 800930960, phone. 0577283203).

Getting to Siena by Train

From the north, the direct connection departs from Firenze. From the South, direct connections to Siena depart from Chiusi or from Grosseto. The train station in Siena is located approximately 2 km from Siena’s historical centre. It’s a five minute bus ride from the city center to the train station and buses leave regularly from Piazza del Sale. Buses nr 3, 8, 10, 17, 77 leave from the station to Piazza del Sale and Bus n. 17 departs from Piazza del Sale for the train station.

From the Siena train station to Certosa di Pontignano

A webpage on taking Taking a taxi from Siena train station to Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena is provided here

Catch a bus to La Lizza where there is a bus shuttle to Certosa di Pontignano (about 20 min)

Timetable from La Lizza stop to Pontignano (correct as of October 2004):

Sat-Sun	                             14.30              19.30     
Mon-Fri   08.00         13.10  13.45       15.30  18.35        20.10
Wed       08.00  09.00  13.10  13.45       15.30  18.35        20.10

Getting to Siena by Air

The Ampugnano airport is located 9 km from Siena. At the moment, a connection from Olbia is available. For additional information tel. 0577/392226. A shuttle service connection is currently available between the airport and Piazza Gramsci TRA-IN (phone 0577204224).

Getting to Siena (For Foreigns)

Getting to Siena by (rented) car

For those landing in Milan Linate Airport: follow the highway to get the Autoway A1 (Autostrada del sole). Enter the Autoway path at "Milano sud entrance". Remember to take the ticket! In Italy, autoways transit is charged. Drive all the way to Florence. Exit to Siena is Firenze Certosa. Total lenght is Km 286.6 (about 3h 11 min by 130 Km/h, the actual speed limit on the Autoways). At the exit, pay the transit (about 15.60 Euro) at the exit booth. You can pay by credit card/Bancomat or cash. Along the Autoways, car assistance service, gasoline stations, Motels/bars, restrooms are available at the rest areas (you will find one about every 50 Km, they are inside the Autoway path, You don't need to exit the Autoway path).

For those landing in Milan Malpensa Airport: follow the highway to Milano Nord passing Gallarate and Lainate. Drive to Milano Sud to get the Autoway A1 (Autostrada del sole). Then follow the indications above.

For those landing in Bologna Airport: follow the highway to the Autoway A1 (Autostrada del sole) via Bologna Borgo Panigale. Enter the Autoway (see the indications above) at Bologna Borgo Panigale. Drive to the Autoway (Autostrada) A1 MILANO-NAPOLI south direction (direzione ROMA). Drive all the way to Florence. Exit to Siena is Firenze Certosa. Total length is 121 Km (about 1h 20 min by 130 Km/h, the actual speed limit on the Autoways). At the exit, pay the transit (about 6 Euro) at the exit booth (see more info above).

For those landing in Florence Airport and for all the others that have reached Florence from the north, take the Chiantigiana from Florence (SS 222 - 72 km) or the highway (SS 2 superstrada Siena/Firenze - 68 km).

For those landing in Roma Airport, Siena can be reached by taking the Autoway from Rome (A1 Roma-Firenze). Take the highway to ROMA north (NORD). Drive to get the Autoway (AUTOSTRADA MILANO-NAPOLI). Drive about 4 Km, cross Roma Nord, when you get to Fiano Romano, enter the Autoway A1 MILANO-NAPOLI direction Florence (direzione FIRENZE). The exit to Siena is Valdichiana). Total lenght is 150 Km (about 1h 40 min by 130 Km/h, the actual speed limit on the Autoways). At the exit, pay the transit (about 8.1 Euro) at the exit booth (see more info above). At the exit, turn right on state highway n°326 (Bettolle-Siena - 240 km).

Getting to Siena by Bus

A Bus service from Milano, Bologna, and Rome directly to Siena is available. For all the informations go to the web site (in english):

There is a Firenze rapid connection (1h 15 min) or direct connection via Poggibonsi, Colle Val d’Elsa (1h 35 min): TRA-IN (phone 0577204245), SITA (toll free number 800373760). Departures from the bus station located in front of Santa Maria Novella train station, the main train station in Florence.

Getting to Siena by train

See the train table for all directions to:

Or when you are at the railway station, check the displays or the train timetable panels posted in the main lounge rooms. Yellow panels indicate the timetable of train leaving. White panels indicate the timetable of train arriving. You can buy tickets at the main lounge room sale desks or at the automatic selling machines. Be careful to pick-pockets especially when you handle your wallet to pay! In general, watch for your personal belongings and pursue especially at the train stations and on city buses!

As far as the train service is concerned, You have a number of differences choices: slower (cheaper) trains are REGIONALE,

CIS, Inter city (IC). Faster (expensive but very comfortable) trains are Euro Stars (ES). ES need reservation.

For those landing in Milan Linate Airport: take a cab or a city bus to the main railway station (Stazione Centrale).

Catch a train to Firenze Santa Maria Novella (the main railway station in Florence). To give you an idea, the cost of the ticket on a ES train one way, 2 class, is 28,92 EURO. The travel time is 2 h 45 min.

For those landing in Milan Malpensa Airport: take the train, a cab or the bus (see the indications but generally the bus stop is right outside the main airport exit/entrance) to the main railway station in Milan (Stazione Centrale). Catch a train to Firenze Santa Maria Novella (the main railway station in Florence). See above for more info's.

For those landing in Bologna Airport: take a cab or the special shuttle bus (see the indications but generally the bus stop is right outside the main airport exit/entrance) to the main railway station in Bologna (Stazione Centrale). Catch a train to Firenze Santa Maria Novella (the main railway station in Florence). To give you an idea, the cost of the ticket on a ES train one way, 2 class, is 13,17 EURO. The travel time is 1 h.

For those landing in Rome Airport: take a cab or the special shuttle bus (see the indications but generally the bus stop is right outside the main airport exit/entrance) to the main railway station in Rome (Stazione TERMINI). Catch a train to Firenze Santa Maria Novella (the main railway station in Florence). To give you an idea, the cost of the ticket on a ES train one way, 2 class, is 29,44 EURO. The travel time is 1 h 35 min.

For those landing in Florence Airport and for all the others arriving in Florence by train, a train (REGIONALE) to Siena is available roughly every second hour. It takes 1 h 34 min (via EMPOLI) and the cost is 5,50 EURO. For going from Florence airport to the Florence train station, there is information on the Florence Airport website about the Sita/Ataf "Fly by Bus" between the airport and Santa Maria Novella railway station.

The train station in Siena is located approximately 2 km from Siena’s historical centre. It’s a five minute bus ride from the city center to the train station and buses leave regularly from Piazza del Sale. Buses n°s 3, 8, 10, 17, 77 leave from the station to Piazza del Sale and Bus n. 17 departs from Piazza del Sale for the train station.

From the Siena train station to Certosa di Pontignano

(A webpage on taking Taking a taxi from Siena train station to Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena is provided here)

Catch a bus to La Lizza where there is a bus shuttle to Certosa di Pontignano (about 20 min)

Timetable from La Lizza stop to Pontignano (correct as of October 2004):

Sat-Sun	                             14.30              19.30     
Mon-Fri   08.00         13.10  13.45       15.30  18.35        20.10
Wed       08.00  09.00  13.10  13.45       15.30  18.35        20.10

Getting to Siena by Air

The Ampugnano airport is located 9 km from Siena. At the moment, connections from Olbia, Vienna and Munich (Baviera) are available. For additional information tel. 0577/392226. A shuttle service connection is currently available between the airport and Piazza Gramsci TRA-IN (tel. 0577/204224).


Nature Train

For those of you who interested in exploring the magnificent Siena countryside in all its grandeur and tranquillity, take a ride on the Natura Train. This seasonal adventure on a steam powered train takes you back to another time with its winding paths through the Sienese countryside. The trip begins in Siena and stops in Asciano and Monte Antico before returning to Siena.

For more information, contact the Client Assistance Office located at the train station, tel. 0577207413.

Getting to the historical city center of Siena

The historical city center of Siena is accessible only by foot. Cars are strictly prohibited. There is a small bus (Pollicino) run by the TRA-IN company that covers some streets located into the center of town. Outside the main city walls in the main tourist areas, you can find various parking areas (sse the attached picture).

For more information, contact Siena Parcheggi phone. 0577228711. To call or reserve a taxi: phone the Central Reservation Office at 057749222.

Getting to Certosa di Pontignano conference center

See also the web site:

Getting to Certosa di Pontignano conference center by car

Getting from the highway Firenze/Siena: Exit Siena Nord. When you reach the STOP, turn left, drive to CASTELLINA IN CHIANTI-GREVE IN CHIANTI (SR 222). Drive for about 1,5 km, turn right to VAGLIAGLI-CORSIGNANO-PIEVASCIATA (SP 102) and PONTIGNANO (brown sign), continue for about 2,5 km. See on the left side the Valiano farm (fattoria di VALIANO). Drive by 1,5 km, turn right to PONTIGNANO 1-PONTE A BOZZONE-SS 406 (white gravel road). Drive straight for 2 km and get to the Certosa di Pontignano.

Getting from southward (Bettole/Siena): exit Siena Est. Go on following the indication to CENTRO STAZIONE FF.SS. Pass two rotary crosses and get to a third one reporting the indication to CERTOSA DI PONTIGNANO. Continue along the strada statale 408 for about 7-8 km and reach PONTE A BOZZONE, turn left to CERTOSA DI PONTIGNANO. Continue for about 2 km and reach the Certosa di Pontignano.

Getting to Certosa di Pontignano conference center by Bus

A bus shuttle from Siena to Certosa di Pontignano is available: bus nr. 34 leaving from Piazza Gramsci. The time table is (better check it out on site!): 13.10 and 13.45, arrival in Pontignano at 13.35 and 14.10, respectively.

Getting to the Certosa di Pontignano conference center by cab

A cab service is available to reach Certosa di Pontignano mediante Taxi. The pice of one way to Pontignano is 15,00 euro.

(A webpage on taking Taking a taxi from Siena train station to Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena is provided here)

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