Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena, Tuscany, Italy, Thursday 18th - Tuesday 23rd August 2005.
2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005
Siena 2005 Promotional Poster (160 kb).
(please feel free to print this out and pin up on your department notice-board)
Welcome to the homepage of the Siena 2005 School of Crystallographic Computing, which will be run
at the Certosa di Pontignano, 10 km
outside the town of Siena, in Tuscany, Italy.
The school organisers are extremely appreciative
of the generous support from the University of Siena in
providing such facilities. Even with an expected high ratio of speakers to students, we hope to keep the
registration and accomodation costs at a reasonable level for school participants (below 500 Euros).
The organisation has been optimised to make it easy for participants to make
the one hour trip to the 20th IUCr Congress
in Florence that starts just as this school finishes.
Without crystallographic computing, the CCD and the diffractometer
are for naught! Without the software programs that computational
crystallographers create, irrespective of the amount of diffraction data
collected, structures "will not solve, will not refine and will not
validate!". With this in mind, the aim of the school is to have the
crystallographic computing experts of the present, help train and
inspire a new generation of experts in crystallographic computing. This
will be achieved by the use of an excellent (and full)
program of lectures, workshops and projects.
With its origins as a 14th century monastery, the
Certosa di Pontignano provides
a wonderful environment for teachers and students alike. It is now run
by the University of Siena. Attractively placed on the top of a hill, it
is surrounded by vineyards; with a direct view to the town of Siena, and
a famous Chianti winery
We hope to have a productive school worth remembering
both for its scientific lectures, its teaching content, and its surroundings. |
While the scientific program is busy, one must not forget the body (or the mind
would wither!). Food to grow the crystallographic soul will be prepared and served by an
ensemble of the top computational crystallographers in the world.
Food for the body can be expected with the best cuisine and wine of the local
Chianti countryside. Breakfast is included in the
Certosa di Pontignano accomodation costs. All lunches and
dinners are included in the registration costs.