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Re: [sdpd] Automatic peak position hunting

> But it seems that I have more resources than any 
> peak search program since I had no difficulty to find 
> manually the 2 peak positions. I do not blame the software, 
> my student blames it, and I wanted to share this with you. 
> No solution apart from recollection or doubling the number 
> of points by interpolation? Did you try and do you
> confirm the failure of these programs to propose 2 peaks
> when you can see them ?

For the Savitzky-Golay procedure the solution is in
either reducing the convolution range or choosing a polynomial 
of a higher degree (if the software allows it).

I, personally, prefer manual peak hunting . the most safe and
reliable one. Of course, it takes time (about 5-15 min for  Kalpha2 stripping, 
proper smoothing, calculation of 2-nd derivative curve and mouse clicking) but
it may allow to avoid problems with false or unresolved peaks in the process of 
cell determination.

Leonid Solovyov

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