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[sdpd] Re: SDPD stagnation

>Besides this, user friendly versions of "Dash" (CCDC) and "Endeavour"
>(Crystal Impact) are announced for being available to the public
>in summer this year. Thus, I expect an increase of the publication rate
>concerning structure solution from powder in 2001 or at the latest 2002.

By user friendly, you mean with a Graphical User Interface.
Do you really think that GUIs have so much influence on
the success or not in a SDPD ? It is mainly a matter of
expertise, with or without GUIs. Forming new experts would
have influence on the publication rate, may be. And those
experts should be also able to index a powder pattern, not
"only" to locate atoms or molecules, of course. 

About Endeavour, will the non-GUI version be still available
for free after the summer release ?


Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France