Hi, Can anyone volunteer or recommend people who might be able to give some meeting reports for relevant meetings or workshops related to computation crystallography? Also, for Future Meetings - I think I have ACA and ECM Durban covered. Are there any others with sessions relevant to the newsletter? E.g., anything in the AsCA meeting in Australia? (May query this on the crystallography newsgroup if things look a bit sparse in this regard.) Thanks in advance, Lachlan -- ----------------------- Lachlan M. D. Cranswick Neutron Program for Materials Research (NPMR), National Research Council (NRC), Postal Address: NPMR, NRC, Building 459, Station 18, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1J0 Fax: (613) 584-4040 Tel (work): (613) 584-8811 Office: ext 3719 ; C2 diff: ext 3039 Email: lachlan.cranswick@nrc.gc.ca WWW: http://neutron.nrc.ca/ Tel (home): (613) 584-4226 WWW: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/ Home Email: lachlan@melbpc.org.au Mobile/Cell phone: 613 401 3433
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