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Sponsors + Speakers

As I mentioned quite a while back, Rigaku/MSC is indeed interested
in helping to sponsor this event. When the time comes to start
looking for sponsorships, contact Cathy Klein (cldk@RigakuMSC.com).

Also, I'd like to suggest a couple of possible instructors for the
course. One is Jim Pflugrath, who was a co-author of the MADNESS
package for FAST detectors and wrote d*TREK as part of a government
grant for beamline CCD detector processing. He has a lot of
experience with C/C++ object-oriented programming techniques and
image processing. (jwp@RigakuMSC.com)

The other is Thad Niemeyer, who is a computational programmer who
also worked on d*TREK. When Thad joined Rigaku/MSC several years
ago he knew nothing of crystallography but had some interesting
new ideas about data processing which helped us break out of some
of the old standards for handling crystallographic problems. He got
great marks for his presentation on error analysis at the ACA in
San Antonio. (tjn@RigakuMSC.com)

I haven't mentioned this to either of them, but I thought I would
make these suggestions to add to the slate of prospective lecturers
for the course.


Bev Vincent
9009 New Trails Drive
The Woodlands, TX  77381-5209
voice: (281)-363-1033 x123 fax: 364-3628

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