[Crystallography Online] Crystallography News Online

Conference Calendar by subject

This list is arranged by subject. You can also see the same meetings arranged by date or by place. Reports on some previous meetings are also available.

Aperiodic Crystals [top]

  • The 5th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals Bayreuth, Germany, 1-4 March 2007.

    Biological Macromolecules [top]

    Characterisation of Materials [top]

    Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities [top]

    Chemical Crystallography

  • [top]

    Computing and Data Analysis [top]

    Crystal Engineering [top]

    Crystal Growth and Characterisation of Materials [top]

    Crystal Physics [top]

    Electron Crystallography [top]

    High Pressure [top]

    Future meetings of interest to high pressure crystallographers maintained by the IUCr Commission on High Pressure

    Industrial and Applied Crystallography [top]

    IUCr Congress and General Assembly [top]

    IUCr sponsored meetings [top]

    General information and procedures concerning IUCr sponsorship

    Magnetism [top]

    Materials [top]

    Microscopy [top]

    Mineralogy [top]

    National and Regional Association [top]

    Neutron Scattering [top]

    Polymorphism [top]

    Powder Diffraction [top]

    Future meetings of interest to powder diffractionists maintained by the IUCr Commission for Powder Diffraction

    Radiation Physics [top]

    Regional Crystallographic Association Meetings [top]

    Schools on Crystallography [top]

    Small-Angle Scattering [top]

    Solid State Chemistry [top]

    Solid State Physics [top]

    Structural Chemistry and Chemical Crystallography [top]

    Surfaces Studies [top]

    Synchrotron Radiation [top]

    Topography [top]

    XAFS Studies [top]

    Other lists of Meetings [top]

    1st June 2007 - Crystallography News Online - Copyright © International Union of Crystallography