Other Stuff
Rietveld Mailing list homepage is located at http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/stxnews/riet/
When questions are asked frequently enough, or a particular topic
interests a participant, an FAQ (frequently asked questions) file can be
Any interested person can create a FAQ(frequently asked question) file
on any Rietveld topic they wish. Please feel free to submit the HTML
address of the article or complete HTML
file to Lachlan Cranswick
Current list of Rietveld FAQs
There is quite a convoluted history with the archiving of the Rietveld
mailing list messages.
(Thanks again to Tim Buckner and Ken Beuadrie of Centre for Macromolecular
Crystallography, University of Alabama at Birmingham for creating the
original archive, and John Quintana at Argonne National Laboratory for
the first web accessible archive).
Armel Le Bail has initiated a new a Web accessable
archive of past messages at:
Just point your Web browser in this direction and review the past messages and
discussions you are interested in.
In late 1995, an attempt was made to create a Rietveld internet/Usenet
to link to the mailing list. This was to allow free discussion for
participants without the impression that too many discussion messages would
clutter up participant email boxes.
This failed by 6 votes and another attempt is being considered in six
months time as per the Usenet newsgroup creation guidelines.
The failed 1995 vote results
This kit is (was?) aimed for new users and scientific users of the internet who
may not have the time to explore for basic, user-friendly internet utilities. This kit includes
obsolescent (but relatively simple and bug free) versions of,
16 Bit Mosaic WWW (Netscape is presently the most popular Web browser),
Wintrumpet Winsock(TCP), Wintrumpet Newsreader, WS_FTP, WinQVT (very good telnet), HGOPHER.
To obtain the software, anonymous ftp to
ftp.minerals.csiro.au/pub/pc/internet to obtain the "self extracting exe" files
and the installation instructions.
Equivalent Apple Mac software is also available in the
ftp.minerals.csiro.au/pub/mac directory.
Located at
Go Direct!
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