October 20, 2003
Problem :
ICDD 49-2190
C14H9NO4 - 3-Amino-alizarin
ICDD Grant-in-Aid (1997)
"Any unindexed patterns require special justification to be
accepted in the PDF. In particular, strong evidence of phase
purity would be essential"
Radiation : CuKalpha1 1.54056 A
Filter : Ni
Pattern taken at 22(2)°C
CAS # ; 3963-78-8
sample recrystallized from nitrobenzene
internal standard : aluminum
Ref : Yatsenko, A., Moscow State Univ., Dept. of
Chemistry, Russia
d(A) - intensity
10.5296 23
7.2005 54
6.8185 25
6.5949 100
6.1710 23
5.7562 41
5.3175 91
5.2432 12
4.9734 13
4.5430 8
4.4644 3
4.4037 6
4.0997 16
4.0572 14
3.9151 31
3.8394 14
3.7307 7
3.6060 5
3.5000 2
3.4147 18
3.3954 5
3.3026 7
3.2783 4
3.2396 1
3.1688 3
3.1500 2
3.1067 6
3.0610 13
Most probable cell(s) according to the Participants :
Program a b c alpha beta gamma V
M(20) F 20 Unindexed Spacegroup
TREOR 13.798(2) 8.498(2) 10.597(4) 90. 98.13(4) 90. 1230.1
25 55 (0.0087, 42) 0
TOPAS 10.6194 8.4952 13,8065 90. 81.72 90. 1232.6
GoF = 17.52 0 P21/c
CRYSFIRE 13.809(8) 8.502(5) 10.620(7) 90. 98.220(5) 90. 1234.0
22 0 P21/a
McMaille 10.618(6) 8.501(6) 13.808(8) 90. 98.23(5) 90. 1233.6
20 40 (0.0116, 43) 0
ITO13 14.778(3) 14.647(2) 13.372(2) 95.10(1) 111.09(1) 94.52(1) 2670.8
LZON 27.343 16.846 21.033 90. 98.06 90. 9592.5 P21/a
15 0
AUTOX 13.792(3) 8.477(1) 10.630(2) 90. 98.17(3) 90. 1230.2
Results from NM and Simona Galli (TREOR : two times identical result), Arnt Kern (TOPAS),
Robin Shirley (CRYSFIRE), Armel Le Bail (McMaille), SR (ITO13), EL (LZON), Victor Zlokazov

The WinPLOTR output from McMaille