See what you will probably never see in reality, thanks to the PCOD
One-dimensional SiO2 models (not DFT-optimized) as predicted by GRINSP
Not exhaustive list, run again GRINSP and you will find much more...
Most of these 1D models are described in a cell having one parameter =
2.71 Å or a multiple of it
References for these predictions :
1- Inorganic structure prediction with GRINSP. A. Le Bail, J. Appl. Cryst.
38 (2005) 389-395.
2- Predicted corner-sharing titanium silicates. A. Le Bail, Z. Kristallogr.,
Suppl. 26 (2007) 203-208.
3- Powerpoint file : Contribution to the "Gordon Conference Style" Workshop
: Global Optimisation Techniques Applied to the Prediction of Structures,
5-7 July 2006, University College London (.ppt
or zipped)
4- Advances in structure prediction of inorganic compounds. A. Le Bail,
Report of 2nd Algerian Crystallography Congress, Algérie (2005).
5- Hypothetical AlF3 crystal structures, A. Le Bail, F.
Calvayrac, J. Solid State Chem., 179 (2006) 3159-3166.
6- Inorganic structure prediction: too much and not enough, A. Le Bail,
Solid State Phenomena 130 (2007) 1-6.
7- Frontiers between crystal structure prediction and determination by
powder diffractometry, A. Le Bail, Powder Diffraction, S23 (2008) S5-S12.
8- Databases of virtual inorganic crystal structures and their applications,
A. Le Bail, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 8521-8530. DOI:
Etc - search by yourself after all...
PCOD3004732 - 4 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PC0D440009 - 5 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD1940005 - 6 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD200006 - 7 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD460009 - another possibility for 7 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD1410006 - 8 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD120019 - another possibility for 8 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD590012 - another possibility fro 8 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD3002012 - 9 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD1940025 - another possibility for 9 tetrahedra ring - CIF

PCOD3002224 - 12 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD1940021 - another 12 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD870004 - another 12 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD1020003 - 13 tetrahedra distorted ring - CIF
PCOD3001662 - 16 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD900013 - 20 tetrahedra distorted ring - CIF
PCOD1940011 - 21 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD780001 - 44 tetrahedra ring - CIF
PCOD3000965 - tube even stranger - CIF

PCOD3000617 CIF
PCOD3004049 CIF
PCOD3000828 - tube with holes - CIF