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Re: [sdpd] Hello-Rietveld problem
- To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
- Subject: Re: [sdpd] Hello-Rietveld problem
- From: Armel Le Bail <xtal...@noos.fr>
- Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 11:21:25 +0200
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>I have a doubt about rietveld fitting. I am using Fullprof. During <br>
>fitting, some of higher angle observed peaks are not shown in the <br>
>calculated pattern. These peaks are present in JCPDS data.<br>
>Can any one please guide me to find out my mistake?<br>
The mistake may be in the JCPDS entry or elsewhere..<br>
Is the JCPDS data indexed or not (could be an old entry corresponding to an <br>
unidentified mixture of phases - and you would have a similar mixture) ?<br>
Or is it calculated from a crystal structure from ICDD or CSD ?<br>
Errors also possible in space group (inversion center not at the origin for <br>
instance), atomic coordinates, etc.<br>
Best wishes,<br>
Armel Le Bail<br>
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