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Re: [sdpd] NYU X-Ray Diffraction Workshop


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      <p>Dr. Chunhua Hu,<br>
                     Thanks for your invitation.<br>
                     Is there sponsorship for overseas researches/lecturers who wish to participate? I need this conference because i work with XRD equipment.<br>
Dr. Umar Ahmadu<br>
Department of Physics<br>
Federal University of Technology,<br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
From: Chunhua Hu &lt;<a href="mailto:chunhua.hu%40nyu.edu";>chunhua.hu...@nyu.edu</a>&gt;<br>
To: Bruker News Group &lt;<a href="mailto:bruker-axs%40lists.wisc.edu";>bruker-axs...@lists.wisc.edu</a>&gt;<br>
Cc: <br>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:50 PM<br>
Subject: [sdpd] NYU X-Ray Diffraction Workshop<br>
Dear X-Ray Diffraction User,<br>
You are cordially invited to the NYU X-Ray Diffraction Workshop and Master<br>
Class, which will be held on October 24 and 25, 2012 at the Department of<br>
Chemistry, New York University in New York City.<br>
The Workshop and its accompanying Master Class will span two days at New<br>
York University, with lectures and hands-on training on the state-of-the<br>
art single crystal and powder diffractometers. The Workshop will include<br>
lectures from various academic, government, and industrial organizations.<br>
Faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and industrial scientists are invited<br>
to register. Attendees are encouraged to bring samples of interest to the<br>
workshop for the hands-on training Master Class, and scientific problems to<br>
the Round-Table Discussion. For all the details, please visit the Workshop<br>
website <a href="http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/chem.sif.xdf.workshop2012.";>http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/chem.sif.xdf.workshop2012.</a><br>
Confirmed speakers and instructors:<br>
? Simon Billinge, Columbia University/Brookhaven National Laboratorry, NY<br>
? Charles F. Campana, Bruker AXS, WI<br>

? Bob Baoping He, Bruker AXS, Madison, WI<br>

? Eric Dooryhee, Brookhaven National Lab, NY<br>

? Chunhua Tony Hu, New York University, NY<br>

? Qi Jiang, New York University, NY<br>

? Bart Kahr, New York University, NY<br>

? Joseph W. Lauher, Stony Brook University, NY<br>

? Nadrian Seeman, New York University, NY<br>

? Robert E. Thorne, Cornell University, NY<br>

? Michael D. Ward, New York University, NY<br>

? Wenchang Xiao, New York University, NY<br>

? Shawn Xiaotian Yin, Bristol-Myers Squibb, NJ<br>

? Oral Presentations in both mornings<br>

? Round Table Discussions in both afternoons<br>

? Hands-On Training in both afternoons<br>

? Two quiz prizes provided by Dr. Bob He of Bruker<br>

? Two free single crystal datasets provided by the X-ray Diffractioon<br>
Facility of NYU<br>
? The number of attendees in the workshop (Lecture sessions) is limmited to *<br>
? The Hands-On Training Master Class component is limited to 8 perssons for<br>
GADDS and 8 for APEXII.<br>
? Registration fee is $50. However, *it is waived for the first 20  people<br>
who register*, thanks to our generous sponsors. So register early.<br>
? Please register by providing the following information to Tony Huu at<br>
<a href="mailto:chunhua.hu%40nyu.edu";>chunhua.hu...@nyu.edu</a> no later than Wednesday, October 10, 2012:<br>
Full name:<br>
Group adviser (if any):<br>
Email address:<br>
Phone number:<br>
Lectures: Yes/No<br>
Round-Table Discussions: Yes/No<br>
If yes, do you want to give a 5-minute talk about the problem in your<br>
research? If yes, please provide your talk's title:<br>
Hands-On Training Master Classes: Yes/No<br>
Will you bring a single crystal sample for the APEXII Class? (Maximum of<br>
one sample): Yes/No<br>
If yes, please describe the sample briefly:<br>
Will you bring a powder sample for the GADDS Class? (Maximum of one<br>
sample): Yes/No<br>
If yes, please describe the sample briefly:<br>
You will receive a confirmation email about your registration within three<br>
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.<br>
Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and<br>
students. Thank you.<br>
Workshop Organizer<br>
-- <br>
Chunhua &quot;Tony&quot; Hu, Ph.D<br>
X-ray Crystallographer<br>
New York University<br>
Department of Chemistry<br>
357A Brown Building<br>
29 Washington Place<br>
Phone: 212-998-8769 (office)<br>
Phone: 212-998-8298 (lab)<br>
Fax: 212-995-4895 (MDI 5th)<br>
Email: <a href="mailto:chunhua.hu%40nyu.edu";>chunhua.hu...@nyu.edu</a><br>
<a href="http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/chem.sif.xdf";>http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/chem.sif.xdf</a><br>
<a href="http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/tonyhu.html";>http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/tonyhu.html</a><br>
Mailing address:<br>
NYU Department of Chemistry<br>
100 Washington Square East Room 1001<br>
New York, NY 10003-6688<br>
Attn: Chunhua &quot;Tony&quot; Hu<br>
NYU Department of Chemistry<br>
29 Washington Place Room 150<br>
New York, NY 10003<br>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]<br>
Yahoo! Groups Links<br>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]<br>


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