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Re: [sdpd] Re: the XRD pattern in the ICDD logo
- To: <sdpd...@yahoogroups.com>
- Subject: Re: [sdpd] Re: the XRD pattern in the ICDD logo
- From: "Lujun" <jlu...@mail.ipc.ac.cn>
- Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 21:21:12 +0800
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i have got a brute idea to solve this pattern and i have finished the first step -- peak searching.
The peak data is following:
Rel.2Theta(0-1) Rel.Int.(0-100)
0.045 6.50
0.076 79.67
0.127 50.41
0.233 33.33
0.285 7.32
0.288 4.88
0.327 32.52
0.348 100.00
0.358 44.72
0.403 26.02
0.518 14.63
0.530 33.33
0.552 9.76
0.606 48.78
0.630 17.07
0.736 9.76
0.767 13.01
0.818 17.89
0.861 18.70
0.906 6.50
0.927 18.70
0.958 8.13
---End of Data--
We simply suppose during the picture processing of the logo, the deformation of the pattern is linear and uniform. So in front of us, there are three variables, wavelength, the starting angle A1 and the ending angle A2. Whatever the step was used, what we need to tune in practice are only A1 and A2 (enumerating radiation source-- Cu Ka1 from the beginning and then Co, Mo, Cr etc...hopefully it was not SR). For each pair of A1 and A2, the peak data would be immediately available by opeating the X column via A1+X*(A2-A1) and keeping Y column unchanged. During a two-level loop of changing A1 and A2 step by step, the solution(s) might be found for some combination(s) of A1 and A2. Of course, the search-loop process shall be done by computer.
i bet there are more than one solution. Just for fun when interested ....
Jun Lu (postdoctor)
Group of YiCheng Wu in Center of Crystal Growth
Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
100190 Beijing, P.R. China
Best wishes for the challenge continuation...
At 05:17 18/05/2011, you wrote:
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