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[sdpd] Help with quantitative analysis
- To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
- Subject: [sdpd] Help with quantitative analysis
- From: "Rafael" <rafaelwitter...@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 21:45:40 -0000
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I am studying a gradual phase transformation A-> B + C where A and B can not be distinguished by microscopy. I want to quantify A (cubic) and B (tetragonal)by X-ray diffraction but I have a problem.
The experimental pattern shows full overlap of all main peaks (between 10° and 120°). I have not gotten good fits in the Rietveld refinement because the alloy (in plates) has high concentrations of defects (stacking faults, precipitates ...)
I simulated patterns for different mixtures of A and B (through scale factor in GSAS) with the goal of building a calibration curve for some peaks. However since I can not differentiate between the peaks, the calibration curve is useless.
Thank you in advance
PhD Student
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