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[sdpd] Looking for CIF files for TaC and HfC
- To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
- Subject: [sdpd] Looking for CIF files for TaC and HfC
- From: "zm.sadeghi" <zm.sadeghi...@yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2011 07:04:01 -0000
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Dear All;
I'm seeking for some CIF file for "Tantalum Carbide" and "Hafnium Carbide". Although I have found one, but it doesn't match my XRD patterns hence no refinement at all.
On the other hand, I found no way to modify this CIF file.
In advance I appreciate your replies!
Best Regards;
Zahra Sadeghi
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