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In case some of you may have been familiar with Bob Carruthers, I <br>
have included the following obituary with permission of David Watkin <br>
                                 ( <a href="mailto:david.watkin%40chem.ox.ac.uk";>david.watkin...@<wbr>chem.ox.ac.<wbr>uk</a> )<br>
John Robert (Bob) Carruthers.<br>
                     15 May 1945 - 17 January 2009<br>
Bob graduated from St Edmund Hall (Oxford) having completed his Part II<br>
year doing copper chemistry with Francis Rossotti. He worked for his D.<br>
Phil. (still on copper chemistry) with Keith Prout and Francis, and it<br>
was during this work that he became interested in crystallography.<br>
For one of the materials he worked on, aquo(maleato)<wbr>copper(II)<wbr>, he<br>
observed &quot;When the diffraction pattern was indexed, it became apparent<br>
that the crystals were unlikely to be orthorhombic, as a strange set of<br>
absences were found&quot;. The crystals were twinned. &quot;overlapped reflections<br>
were arbitrarily assigned half the measured intensity until a program<br>
was written which would include both components in the least squares&quot;.<br>
&quot;as there was not sufficient space [memory] it was necessary to rewrite<br>
the [AUTOCODE] program in [English Electric Leo Marconi] KDF9 machine<br>
language&quot;. AUTOCODE was a symbolic language, rather like a simplified<br>
FORTAN. Machine languages are basic to the electronics of the computer,<br>
and the programmer has the power and the responsibility of working<br>
hands-on with every memory location, even to the extent of synchronising<br>
the calculations with the revolutions of the bulk storage devices. So<br>
began Bob's life with computers, and his exceedingly productive<br>
partnership with John Rollett.<br>
Immediately after writing his DPhil thesis in 1969, Bob was awarded a<br>
fellowship from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in collaboration with<br>
the Royal Society which enabled him to work in Rome. There, he set about<br>
working with Riccardo Spagna re- implementing the Rollett AUTOCODES in<br>
FORTRAN. This program included features such as &quot;riding&quot; and rigid-body<br>
constraints, and some of the underlying data-structure can still be<br>
found in CAOS (Cerrini S. &amp; Spagna R. (1977) Crystallographic software<br>
for a mincomputer, IV Eur. Crystallgr.Meet.<wbr>, Oxford, UK, Abstract A-<br>
On Bob's return to Oxford he worked with Rollet and Prout, again<br>
re-writing the program from scratch but building upon his experiences in<br>
Rome. This new program, called CRYSTALS, could handle up to 9 twin<br>
components and had a good range of restraints (including facilities now<br>
often called SIMU and DELU). Perhaps the most novel feature was<br>
&quot;user-defined restraints&quot;, in which the user could define their own<br>
equation of restraint as part of the input data, which was then<br>
analytically differentiated by CRYSTALS. The equation parser and<br>
differentiating engine were all written in beautiful FORTRAN, and are<br>
still working, largely unmodified, in the current version of CRYSTALS.<br>
Bob's attitude to programming combined a meticulous attention to detail<br>
with a far reaching ability to plan on an expansive scale.<br>
After his Post Doc, Bob started work for Oxford University Computing<br>
Service, writing software for data-archiving. However, he continued to<br>
work on CRYSTALS whenever he could, and completely re-wrote the<br>
underlying data management for a third time when the university upgrade<br>
its mainframe to an International Computers Limited (ICL) 2980.<br>
In about 1979 Bob left Oxford to work for Control Data Corporation,<br>
implementing meteorology programs on their supercomputers. Apart for a<br>
brief period in the 1980's when he worked with Keith Davies at Chemical<br>
Design, Bob has spent most of his career implementing very large FORTRAN<br>
program systems, and in recent years modernising massive legacy<br>
packages. Weather forecasting may have profited from his work, but there<br>
is no doubt that crystallography lost an outstanding programmer when Bob<br>
left Oxford.<br>
When not working with computers, Bob was a dependable drinking companion<br>
and a formidable Bar Billiards enthusiast. Some of us still remember Bob<br>
and George Sheldrick working with other young crystallographers to try<br>
to drink the bar dry at ECM 4 in Oxford in 1977. His brilliance as a<br>
scientist did not spoil his personality - he as always modest, amiable<br>
and good fun <br>
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick<br>
Contact outside working hours /<br>
  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:<br>
NEW E-mail / courriel:  lachlanc *at* magma.ca<br>
Home Tel: (613) 584-4226 ; Cell/mobile: (613) 401-6254<br>
WWW: <a href="http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/";>http://lachlan.<wbr>bluehaze.<wbr>com.au/</a><br>
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0<br>
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