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Re: [sdpd] calibration problems with Silicon+gsas
Dear Dr. Jean-Marc LE MEINS
The silicon.raw related measurement was done by a collegue. i had the same doubt with you about the information in raw data, then i discussed with her. The answer was the PSD used was surely the linear one, rather than the image-plate one, and the transmission mode was surely used, rather than indicated on in raw data. i would be sad to say the IP PSD is much worse than the linear PSD, so that we never use it for quality analysis at a single temperature - room temperature. Anyone knows IP PSD is designed for fast measurement only when it is neccessary such as in temperature-dependent case.
Nevertheless, this confusion should be corrected in future. Next time i will be engaged in the calibration procedure and will point out this problem to related operators.
Jun Lu
Lst. Prof. Lijie Qiao
Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry
University of Science and Technology Beijing
100083 Beijing
P.R. China
Lst. Prof. Loidl and Lunkenheimer
Experimental Physics V
Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM)
University of Augsburg
Universitaetsstr. 2
86159 Augsburg
----- Original Message -----
From: Jean-Marc LE MEINS
To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [sdpd] calibration problems with Silicon+gsas
Dear Lujun
I hope my answer will appear in the mailing list of the sdpd group this
time !
I had a look on your raw data named "silicon.raw" via the rawdata
handling option of WinXPow.
Some fields do not agree with your information and I do not understand why:
1°) in the detector field, "Image Plate" is indicated and not "linear PSD"
2°) in the Scan Mode field: "Debye Scherrer" is indicated instead of
"Transmission" following your informations.
Moreover the field for the PSD step is not indicated... (and this
perhaps explain why this parameter is not known exactly ?).
Following me, your detector is not a linear-PSD one, but an curved Image
plate (IP) PSD one, that can read up to 140° 2theta in one time.
This is why you were not able to answer to my question about the PSD
step: your is fixed, covers 140° 2theta whereas a linear-PSD one covers
about 6° maximum, and has to move step by step to cover the requested
data range.
Now that this information about your detector is a little bit clearer, I
remain rather sure that a new "fresh" calibration should be welcome for
your detector and would improve the quality of your "oscillating"
background, even if this curved IP-PSD does not request calibration as
frequently as the linear PSD (wire detector, gas filled).
Lujun...@EKM a écrit :
> Dear Dr. Jean-Marc LE MEINS
> Thanks for your attention at first.
> The answers to your questions are below:
> 1)linear PSD was used with curved Ge(111) monochromator, and the omega was fixed;
> 2)the geometry information was (approximately): Detector slit size-0.02 mm, Sample-detector distance(L)-16 cm, Width of the detector slit(2H)-4 cm, Size of beam on sample(2S)-8 mm;
> 3)the sample configuration was transmission with two foils as usual;
> 4)the PSD step size was between 0.3-0.5, i cannot exactly tell about that;
> 5)for the calibration files, unfortunately, the last calibration was done about 2 years ago, so i don't think it will help....Anyway, one can read them via http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~lujun/last-calib.zip . About the next calibration, i have already made an appointment with related personnel and it will be done by us on next mondy.
> i hope these information can help. We will appreciate possible diagonosis from you very much.
> Faithfully
> Jun Lu
> ----------
> Lst. Prof. Lijie Qiao
> Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry
> University of Science and Technology Beijing
> 100083 Beijing
> P.R. China
> http://www.instrument.com.cn/ilog/handsomeland/
> Lst. Prof. Loidl and Lunkenheimer
> Experimental Physics V
> Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM)
> University of Augsburg
> Universitaetsstr. 2
> 86159 Augsburg
> Germany
> http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/exp5
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jean-Marc LE MEINS
> To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 12:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [sdpd] calibration problems with Silicon+gsas
> Dear Lujun,
> I apologize if I did not let attention enough about your recording
> conditions (not yet had a look to your raw data):
> 1°) Your work with a STADI-P with a linear PSD ? Could you please let us
> know its counting aperture ?
> 2°) What is your sample configuration: capillary (diameter ?) classical
> Debye-Scherrer or transmission between two milar foils ?
> By having a look on your background details, as Pr. Reinhard Kleeberg
> already told you: it shows strange periodical oscillations.
> My question is: what is your PSD step size ? 0.5° 2theta ?
> Could it please be possible to know a little more on your PSD
> calibration file ? Do you have an access to the *.cal and *.lcl files ?
> Of course, I mean your current calibration files (those ware used for
> you Silicon data collection).
> Thank you for you informations
> Best,
> JM
> ___________________________________________
> Dr. Jean-Marc LE MEINS
> Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie
> LMPC - UMR CNRS 7016
> 3 rue Alfred Werner
> F-68093 Mulhouse CEDEX
> Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 82
> FAX: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 85
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Jean-Marc Le Meins
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Mulhouse
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Tel: 03 89 33 68 82 / Fax: 03 89 33 68 85
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