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[sdpd] determine lattice parameters..
Dear Armel Le Bail,
Firstly, thank you very much for your guide about
structure solution from XRPD for Young Scientist like
us. I think SDPD is interesting but it is difficult
issue I think. Nowadays,
I am studying about determine lattice parameters and
space group for new organic or parmacy compounds (but
just small molecule) so When I searched in internet I
have finded some softwares such as Fullprof
(free),Checkcell,Crysfire..etc. I think in my
studying, first step is correct peak indexing. I use
Rigaku X-ray powder diffractometer in research center
but I have not a software(commercial) yet. This issue
is very important for me and I want to determine
lattice parameters and space groups and I want to
structure solution of these structures from XRPD ( but
not yet maybe future hopefully) so I have a problem I
could not decide that how software is the best for me?
Commercial Programs ( Rigaku Rietveld program- TEXSAN,
Bruker ?TOPAS..etc.) is essential for me ? or shared
softwares (like this free fullprof) is enough for me?
If commercial programs good for me, which programs can
we buy to our studying?
I am looking forward to your response and thank you
very much for your intend.
Sincerely Yours,
Research Asistant Funda Ozkok (Qualified Chemist)
Istanbul University
Advanced Analysis Laboratuary
Avcýlar, Istanbul / TURKEY
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