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[sdpd] Questions on 1-Area detector and Rietveld, Dislocation density and XRD
Hi All,
I was wondering if someone can suggest if there will be a difference in Rietveld analysis when using an area detector XRD system (i.e. Bruker-AXS D8 Discover with GADDS Area Detector) it would seem that some of the constitutive equations should be tweaked to account for this type of detector.
Second question relates to the possibility of determining dislocation density via XRD.
I am aware of Krivoglaz?Wilkens method as well as number of T. Ungár papers on the topic, however I am a bit skeptical on the type of assumptions used. Though maybe not in the same realm there is also recent (1999) P.Scardi and M Leoni, paper to which it seems Mr Le Bail have some serious reservations...
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