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[sdpd] RMC Modeling
RMC has a lot to see with SDPD, even if "simulated
annealing" or "global optimization" (etc) are preferred words.
Software like ESPOIR, McMaille (and many others applying
random numbers to search for some parameters explaining
experimental data) are highly related to the RMC ancestor.
So, visit the Web site of the Conference
"The first 15 years of Reverse Monte Carlo Modeling"
And maybe consider to register to the next conference.
From Laszlo Pusztai:
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 13:40:54 +0100 (CET)
From: "\"Pusztai Laszlo\"" <lp...@mail.szfki.kfki.hu>
(3rd RMC Conference, RMC-3)
Dear Collegues:
Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) modelling, a method for modelling
structural disorder in liquids, amorphous and crystalline solids, has
been around for 17 years now. The first international meeting that was
dedicated to RMC was held in Studsvik (Sweden) in 1994 (organised by
Robert McGreevy). Two and a half years ago (October 2003), we met in
Budapest to hold the 2nd RMC Conference. It was there where the
participants agreed to hold such meetings every third year. It is
therefore timely to hold the next international conference on (all the
diverse aspects of) Reverse Monte Carlo modelling.
Hereby I would like to announce the next RMC meeting
* *
* *
which is to be held
in Budapest, HUNGARY,
between Thursday 28 and Saturday 30 SEPTEMBER, 2006.
The conference will be held in Hotel Normafa, which is situated quite
high up in the hills of Buda - still, only a 20 minute bus ride from
central Buda (and only a 10 minute walk from the venue of the last
meeting). The conference room can comfortably accomodate 100 people.
(More information on the hotel is available at www.normafahotel.com.)
Following the style of the previous RMC Conferences, the event
will be as informal as possible, with the sole aim that every
attendee should profit from it as much as possible. There will be
very few 'plenary' type lectures; most of the time will be devoted to
'workshop-like' discussions, including 20-30 minute oral presentations,
and to extended poster sessions to allow ample time for personal
Preceding the conference, a two day RMC course will take place
which will start at about lunchtime on Tuesday (26 September). The
first day will be devoted to a detailed general introduction to RMC
methods (in the form of regular lecture presentations) and the second day
is for real hands-on practical training.
The number of participants of the tutorial is limited to about 25.
Registration fees will be kept to the absolute minimum (if there will be
any at all). Budapest can be reached quite cheaply by plane (watch
out for the growing number of no-frill airlines!), train or car, and
accomodation + half board (breakfast + lunch) for three days will probably
not exceed about 300 EUR. We will seek possibilities for funding young
researchers who wish to attend the RMC tutorial; details will be announced
in due course.
Anything related to RMC (even remotely):
Structure of liquids and amorphous materials
Interpretation of powder diffraction data for crystals
Software development: new RMC codes (RMC++, etc...)
Related methods: we plan to hold sessions dedicated to
EPSR and PDFFIT (other suggestions also welcome);
Extending the applications of RMC:
modelling small angle scattering, reflectometry,
inelastic scattering, EXAFS, NMR, etc...
We are pleased to announce that Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter has agreed to publish the proceedings of the meeting as a Special
Issue of the journal (for the Proceedings of the 2nd RMC Conference, see
JPCM 17, S1- (2005)). Authors will be asked to bring their manuscripts to
the meeting where there will be possibilities to edit/modify the text.
Final submissions should be made by the end of the meeting.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACCOMODATION SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We expect that most participants will live in Hotel Normafa. As you
may see on their website (www.normafahotel.com), the number of
rooms is quite limited. At the moment, there are 50 rooms reserved
tentatively for the period 27 to 30 (3 nights) September, 15 rooms
for the school (additional night of the 26th of September) and a few
more for the nights of the 25th and the 30th. The hotel is rather
popular among conference organisers, which means that the
management cannot keep (basically) the entire hotel reserved for
long without a sufficiently strong guarantee.
It is therefore essential that we get an idea VERY soon (say, within
2 weeks) of the expected number of people who wish to come and
live there and also, the time period they would likely spend there.
We are sorry to start with urging you already now; however, we
would like to kindly ask you to provide this piece on information as
soon as possible. (Please take a look at the end of this message
where specific questions are asked - to answer them, should not take
more than 5 minutes.)
Such an 'expression of interest' does NOT have any financial
consequences but it may help us to convince the hotel to keep the
place reserved appropriately.
It is only about two months before the meeting (and therefore, a
good half a year from now) when the hotel does require some
deposit (of the order of 100 Euros) - details on this point will be
announced in due course.
A simple conference website is being set up. For the time being,
you may visit and look at the webpages of our previous meeting at
We believe that the conference will provide an excellent opportunity
also for a short family break. The extra cost for a second person in a
hotel room would cost about 20 Euros/day (including lunch)! In case there
is a need for it, we will try to organise programs for your
Laszlo PUSZTAI, lp...@szfki.hu
(for postal address, phone and fax, see below).
David KEEN, d.a.keen...@rl.ac.uk
The questions that we would like you to answer now are:
(1) Are you interested in attending the RMC-3 conference (28 to 30
(2) Would you like to attend the RMC Tutorial (26 and 27
(3) Would you like to stay in Hotel Normafa ?
(3) Can you please give us an idea of your stay in Hotel Normafa
(remember, this is only for a tentative list of participants, no
obligations at all!):
(3a) Dates of your stay;
(3b) Number of guests accompanying you;
(3c) Would you possibly like to share the room with another
conference participant (and so, decrease your
expenses this way)?
(4) In case there is any chance that you would be coming, please tell us
your affiliation, address and e-mail, as well.
Please, do take time (less than 5 minutes!) to answer these basic
If you have more than 5 minutes for a quick reply, I would
appreciate if you could tell me names and e-mail addresses of collegues
you know who would possibly be interested in taking part in the event.
Also (and obviously), your suggestions/criticism/etc... concerning any
aspect of the meeting would be welcome!
Thank you very much, indeed, for your kind attention and efforts!
With the best regards,
Your Local and International Advisory Committees.
Laszlo Pusztai LP...@SZFKI.HU
Research Institute for | MTA Szilardtestfizikai
Solid State Physics & Optics, | es Optikai Kutatointezet
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, |
Budapest, P.O.Box 49., H-1525, | Budapest, Pf. 49, 1525
Hungary | (Bp. XII., Konkoly Thege ut 29-33.)
Tel/fax: +36 - 1 392 2589
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