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Enclosed is our updated list of vacancies (see below). We would be grateful
if you would make this information available to members of your staff and
others who might be interested via your normal internal procedure. All our
vacancies can also be found on our web-site http://www.esrf.fr.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Louise
PERITORE-NIANG or one of the undersigned.
Thanking you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth MOULIN / Bénédicte HENRY CANUDAS
Recruitment Officers
Tel.: +33 (0)4 76 88 28 27 / 25 82
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 88 24 60
E-mail: <mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr
Web: http://www.esrf.fr
REF. 2409
The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble,
France and financed by 18 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful
synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a
wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine,
chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science,
and physics. Research at the ESRF is carried out by several thousand
external users each year from universities, public research laboratories
and industry, and by the ESRF's own scientists. The ESRF employs
about 600staff and is organized as a French société civile. The working
language of the ESRF is English.
The Experiments Division designs, constructs and runs the ESRF experimental
stations (= beamlines). Within this division the Materials Science group is
now seeking to recruit a:
Beamline Scientist (m/f)
for the high resolution powder diffraction beamline ID31
You will participate in the operation and development of this high
resolution powder diffraction beam line. As a local contact, you will
assist the numerous visiting scientists to conduct their experiments. You
will take a major role in fostering the development of methods for applying
powder X-ray diffraction to the study of biological macromolecules,
especially proteins.
You should hold a doctorate in chemistry, physics, biochemistry or other
appropriate science. Experience with powder diffraction or other
crystallographic techniques, structural biology, synchrotron radiation
instrumentation (or similar), and computing, would be an advantage.
The ESRF shares a site with several other major European scientific
institutes; it offers an exciting opportunity in an international
atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from
outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given
according to specific internal regulations. Appointments are for a fixed
period of up to 3 years, and should start as soon as possible. Further
information on the post can be obtained from Andy Fitch
(<email:fitch...@esrf.fr>email:fitch...@esrf.fr) or Ake Kvick: (email:
If you are interested, please send a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an
e-mail (<mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr) with your address, and
we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application
form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/. In addition to the
application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of
two referees.
Deadline for returning the application forms: 01 December 2005
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected
vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.
REF. 2181
The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble,
France and financed by 18 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful
synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a
wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine,
chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science,
and physics. Research at the ESRF is carried out by several thousand
external users each year from universities, public research laboratories
and industry, and by the ESRF's own scientists. The ESRF employs
about 600staff and is organized as a French société civile. The working
language of the ESRF is English.
The Experiments Division designs, constructs and runs the ESRF experimental
stations (= beamlines). Within this division, the Special Engineering
Service from the Technical Beamline Support group (TBS) is now seeking to
recruit a:
Instrument System Engineer (m/f)
You will be a member of the team of engineers in charge of developing and
qualifying new experimental facilities at the ESRF. You will interact
strongly with other engineering groups and beamline scientists. You will
develop the required integration for systems operating in the field of
nanotechnologies and precision engineering. This includes development of
new mechanical concepts for fast feedback on optical X-ray elements, fast
pick-place and hold of samples in the X-ray beam with nanometric
resolutions, vibration and robotic system control and navigation, haptic
interfaces. Together with other staff, you will work on the modelling and
integration of beamline optics, sample environments and fast data
processing to create a set of highly reliable systems for nanomanipulation
and data collection. Besides supporting general instrumental development,
you will also be associated to a beamline(s) as correspondent engineer in
order to support the existing instrumentation and to comprehend new
emerging needs.
You should hold a university degree or engineer diploma in a related
discipline (Diplom, DESS, Laurea, Licenciatura, MSc&) or equivalent.
Previous experience with synchrotron radiation and optics or automation is
distinct advantage. The post would suit a scientist or engineer keen on
working with and development of the latest beamline instrumentation.
The ESRF shares a site with several other major European scientific
institutes, it offers an exciting opportunity in an international
atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from
outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given
according to specific internal regulations.
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an
e-mail (<mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr) with your address, and
we will provide you with an application form. You can also print out an
application form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/.
Deadline for returning the application forms: 10 December 2005
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected
vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.
The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble,
France and financed by 18 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful
synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a
wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine,
chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science,
and physics. Research at the ESRF is carried out by several thousand
external users each year from universities, public research laboratories
and industry, and by the ESRF's own scientists. The ESRF employs about
600staff and is organized as a French société civile. The working language
of the ESRF is English.
The Experiments Division designs, constructs and runs the ESRF experimental
stations (= beamlines). Within this division the Soft-Condensed Matter
group is now seeking to recruit a:
Post-doctoral fellow (m/f)
for the TROIKA beamline ID10A
The ID10A branch of the TROIKA beamline is optimized to allow studies of
dynamic processes in condensed matter by x-ray photon correlation
spectroscopy (XPCS). This technique relies on the large coherent flux
delivered by 3rd generation synchrotrons and it is continuously being
developed at ID10A. In addition to XPCS, it is planned to initiate coherent
diffraction imaging (CDI) experiments at the beamline where the exact
structure and morphology of the scattering object can be reconstructed via
phase retrieval methods. Such experiments are at the heart of the
motivation for building new, powerful X-ray lasers which may allow
reconstruction of diffraction data from a single molecule.
You are expected to participate in research projects concerning the use of
coherent x-ray scattering and XPCS, in close collaboration with the ID10A
team. The commissioning of a CDI setup at the beamline is planned and will
be your main task. Some work on phase retrieval algorithms is also
foreseen. Another part of the job function concerns local-contact support
to our external users, which offers the possibility of collaborative work
with leading European scientists and laboratories in forefront research.
For additional technical information and information about the research
program, please refer to the ID10A web pages:
You must hold a PhD in physics, chemistry or a related field and experience
with synchrotron radiation is expected. Knowledge of coherent x-ray
scattering and phase retrieval methods or CDI, is an obvious advantage.
The ESRF shares a site with several other major European scientific
institutes; it offers an exciting opportunity in an international
atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from
outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given
according to specific internal regulations. Only candidates holding a Ph.D.
obtained less than 3 years ago are eligible for Post-doctoral positions.
Post-doctoral fellows are employed for an eighteen-month period with a
possibility of extension to another six to eighteen months and the contract
should start as soon as possible. Further information on the post can be
obtained from Anders MADSEN (<email:amadsen...@esrf.fr>email:amadsen...@esrf.fr).
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an
e-mail (<mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr) with your address, and
we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application
form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/. In addition to the
application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of
two referees.
Deadline for returning the application forms: 10 December 2005
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected
vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.
The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble,
France and financed by 18 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful
synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a
wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine,
chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science,
and physics. Research at the ESRF is carried out by several thousand
external users each year from universities, public research laboratories
and industry, and by the ESRF's own scientists. The ESRF employs about
560staff and is organized as a French société civile. The working language
of the ESRF is English.
The Experiments Division designs, constructs and runs the ESRF experimental
stations (= beamlines). Within this division the Soft Condensed Matter
Group is now seeking to recruit a:
Post-doctoral fellow (m/f)
for the Microfocus beamline ID13
You will participate in the development of SAXS/WAXS techniques for soft
condensed matter & nanobiology applications with nanometer-sized X-ray
beams. The position is funded through the FP6 SAXIER project, which
involves the collaboration of major European synchrotron radiation
SAXS-beamlines. Current monochromatic focal spots at the ID13 Microfocus
beamline have reached the 250 nm scale and a reduction to at least 100 nm
is envisaged at the upcoming nanofocus endstation. This project will also
be extended to the ID10B beamline, as its microfocus option will become
available. R&D related to the project could focus on the development of
grazing-incidence SAXS/WAXS techniques and/or the use of microfluidics in
soft condensed matter & nanobiology.
You should hold a PhD in physics, biophysics, chemistry or other
appropriate science. Experience with X-ray scattering methodology or other
diffraction techniques would be an asset.
The ESRF shares a site with several other major European scientific
institutes; it offers an exciting opportunity in an international
atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from
outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given
according to specific internal regulations. Only candidates holding a Ph.D.
obtained less than 3 years ago are eligible for Post-doctoral positions.
Post-doctoral fellows are employed for a two year-period with a possibility
of extension to three years. Further information on the post can be
obtained from C. Riekel (tel.: +33 (0)4 76 88 20 51, email:
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an
e-mail (<mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr) with your address, and
we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application
form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/. In addition to the
application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of
two referees.
Deadline for returning the application forms: 01 December 2005
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected
vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.
The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble,
France and financed by 18 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful
synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a
wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine,
chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science,
and physics. Research at the ESRF is carried out by several thousand
external users each year from universities, public research laboratories
and industry, and by the ESRF's own scientists. The ESRF employs about
560staff and is organized as a French société civile. The working language
of the ESRF is English.
The Experiments Division designs, constructs and runs the ESRF experimental
stations (= beamlines). Within this division the High Resolution and
Resonance Scattering (HRRS) Group operates two beamlines (ID16 and ID28)
dedicated to the study of the high frequency collective atom dynamics by
inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) with meV energy resolution. The beamline
staff operates the IXS instruments, co-ordinates external user activities
and performs its own research program. The HRRS group is now seeking to
recruit a:
Post-doctoral fellow (m/f)
on the Inelastic Scattering beamline ID16
Beamline ID16 is dedicated to Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) experiments
with eV to meV energy resolution. Applications range from the study of
vibrational excitations in disordered materials to the study of electronic
excitations in non-resonant and resonant x-ray scattering regimes. Current
research efforts focus on the determination of dispersion curves in
disordered systems in extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, and
the study of the electronic excitations in strongly correlated electron
systems. You will participate to the research program of the beamline, you
will be involved in the operation of the instruments, and in the assistance
to external users.
You must hold a PhD degree or equivalent in areas such as Physics,
Engineering, Chemistry, Material Science or a related discipline.
Experience with synchrotron radiation and some background in x-ray physics
and/or inelastic scattering techniques is highly desirable.
The ESRF shares a site with several other major European scientific
institutes; it offers an exciting opportunity in an international
atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from
outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given
according to specific internal regulations. Only candidates holding a Ph.D.
obtained less than 3 years ago are eligible for Post-doctoral positions.
Post-doctoral fellows are employed for an eighteen-month period with a
possibility of extension to another six to eighteen months and the contract
should start as soon as possible.
Further information on the post can be obtained from G. Monaco (tel.: +33
(0)4 76 88 29 74, email <mailto:gmonaco...@esrf.fr>gmonaco...@esrf.fr).
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an
e-mail (<mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr) with your address, and
we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application
form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/. In addition to the
application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of
two referees.
Deadline for returning the application forms: 01 December 2005
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected
vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.
The ESRF is a multinational research institute, situated in Grenoble,
France and financed by 18 countries mostly European. It operates a powerful
synchrotron X-ray source with some 30 beamlines (instruments) covering a
wide range of scientific research in fields such as biology and medicine,
chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials and surface science,
and physics. Research at the ESRF is carried out by several thousand
external users each year from universities, public research laboratories
and industry, and by the ESRF's own scientists. The ESRF employs about
600staff and is organized as a French société civile. The working language
of the ESRF is English.
The Experiments Division designs, constructs and runs the ESRF experimental
stations (= beamlines). Within this division the Macromolecular
Crystallography group is now seeking to recruit a:
Post-doctoral fellow (m/f)
for the Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline
In the frame of the in house research projects, you will work on several
identified targets using X-ray Crystallography. The project consists in
studying proteins involved in the survival and adaptation of the human
pathogen Helicobacter pylori in the human stomach, in collaboration with
the Institut Pasteur, Paris. You will also have the opportunity to
participate in the in house Structural genomics program on Deinoccocus
radiodurans and select interesting targets. The project will be carried out
in the state-of-the-art Carl-Ivar Brändén building (Partnership for
Structural Biology, <http://psb.esrf.fr/>http://psb.esrf.fr/). You will
also be asked to participate in local contacting for external users on MX
You should hold a PhD in Macromolecular crystallography, Molecular Biology,
Biochemistry or Microbiology. Experience in purifying recombinant proteins,
protein-protein and DNA-protein interactions will be a clear advantage.
The ESRF shares a site with several other major European scientific
institutes; it offers an exciting opportunity in an international
atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from
outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given
according to specific internal regulations. Only candidates holding a Ph.D.
obtained less than 3 years ago are eligible for Post-doctoral positions.
Post-doctoral fellows are employed for an eighteen-month period with a
possibility of extension to another six to eighteen months and the contract
should start as soon as possible. Further information on the post can be
obtained from Laurent TERRADOT
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an
e-mail (<mailto:recruitm...@esrf.fr>recruitm...@esrf.fr) with your address, and
we will provide you with an application form. Or print out an application
form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/. In addition to the
application form, you should provide us with a detailed CV and the names of
two referees.
Deadline for returning the application forms: 01 December 2005
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected
vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.
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