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Re: [sdpd] guidline on Rietveld refinement
Dear sir,
This a pdf file for the rietveld analysis.
You can also see the Fp_text.htm file for HELP FULLPROF.
Dr. Mohamed ELLOUZE
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
Physics department
B. P. 802 - 3018, Sfax, Tunisia
Tel : + 216 98 414 707
Fax : + 216 74 274 437
----- Original Message -----
From: Hamid Mutaalim
To: sdpd...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 4:26 AM
Subject: [sdpd] guidline on Rietveld refinement
Dear all,
I would like to ask if some one can send to me some
papers by e-mail regarding Reitveld refinement
guideline, which discuss what parameters first we have
to refine then what second to refine.....ect. Because
some time, i find my self confuse on the order or
priority of parameter to refine
Thank you
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