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[sdpd] Postdoctoral Position in Powder Diffraction
An industrial funded post-doctoral position is available immediately in the
Applied Mineralogy / Crystallography group at the University of Innsbruck. The
position is initially for a period of two years with a possible extension for a
third year.
The successful candidate will participate in an interdisciplinary research
project between the Institutes of Mineralogy and Pharmacy aimed on the
structural characterization of pharmaceutical polymorphs. It will involve
state-of-the-art powder diffraction using laboratory X-ray and
synchrotron radiation. The candidate will be responsible for a new
high-resolution powder diffractometer. A strong theoretical
background (including ab-initio structure determination from powder data and
Rietveld-analysis) as well as practical experience in
powder diffraction at ambient and low/high temperatures is absolutely
necessary. Furthermore, knowledge of single-crystal diffraction
and thermal analysis techniques would be desirable.
The candidate is expected to have obtained a PhD in crystallography or
chemistry with a strong emphasis on X-ray crystallography
and powder diffraction techniques.
Applications (containing contact details, CV) and requests for further
information should be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Volker Kahlenberg
Institut für Mineralogie / Petrographie
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43(0)512 507 5503
E-mail: volker.kahlenberg...@uibk.ac.at
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