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Re: [sdpd] Super Speed Powder
> > 1000 times faster(*). "The fastest powder x-ray diffraction ever"
> > ...
> > (*) Faster than what ? This is not explained...
>Working at a synchrotron beamline (ID11/ESRF) which occasionally does
>time resolved powder diffraction, I find this claim ... interesting.
>Maybe if you count the 6 months from writing a beamtime application to
>doing the experiment, then they just crossed over the threshold of being
>somehow "faster" overall ;-)
Evenmore ?
If it is 1000 times faster than the X'Celerator was, then I may
have misunderstood that new "powder law", and we should regard
this new Bruker system as being 100000 time faster than the system
(whatever it was) about which the X'Celerator was 100 times faster,
two years ago...
This is not only "Wow !"
Advertisers are like fishers from Marseille, France. You know
the story of the sardine enormous enough to block the harbour...
Maybe some decision maker will be impressed, this is worth
Both decision makers and advertisers could need some
training in crystallography ?
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