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Re : [sdpd] On Crystallography Open Database entries
>In the second
>case, altough I do have the complete crystal data, but I do not know how
>to convert a *.pcr file to a CIF file. Please let me know, and I shall try
>to upload them in future.
About CIFs and the Rietveld program FULLPROF : the CIFs will
be built by using RPA = -1 (then edit and complete the CIFs with author
names, chemical formula, and other details you may consider as essential,
including the complete reference if any).
>I still feel handicapped on how to
>create a CIF file when I have just the data (be it in a database or in
>published literature) and not a CIF file. It would be quite helpful if you
>let us (people like me) know it.
I must agree that CIFs are as opaque as the language for
programming MS Windows...
One simple way for obtaining a CIF is to build first an "improved REF file"
described at : http://www.crystallography.net/ref.html
There is then a small software (REF2CIF) able to transform a REF file
into a CIF : http://www.crystallography.net/ref2cif.zip
Example of a REF file :
C. Feldmann, M. Jansen, To the knowledge of cis-sodium hyponitrite, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 623 (1997) 1803-1809.
Na2 N2 O2
5.107 9.211 6.159 90. 97.91 90.
Na1 4 e 0.3206 0.4389 0.7177 1. 3.8
Na2 4 e 0.2176 0.7512 0.5568 1. 4.5
N1 4 e 0.0957 0.4310 0.2519 1. 3.9
N2 4 e 0.2065 0.3335 0.1699 1. 4.0
O1 4 e 0.2321 0.5559 0.3274 1. 4.5
O2 4 e 0.4763 0.3518 0.1516 1. 3.1
label mult Wyck. x y z occup B-or-U-iso
(do not provide that final line).
Mult + Wyck. correspond to the multiplicity and Wyckoff letter of
the position considered. If you do not have time to give these
parameters, then put a ? character (as well as for the atom occupancy
factor and thermal parameter) :
Na1 ? ? 0.3206 0.4389 0.7177 ? ?
The corresponding CIF as built by REF2CIF is the following :
C. Feldmann, M. Jansen, To the knowledge of cis-sodium hyponitrite,
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 623 (1997) 1803-1809.
_chemical_formula_sum 'Na2 N2 O2'
_cell_length_a 5.1070
_cell_length_b 9.2110
_cell_length_c 6.1590
_cell_angle_alpha 90.000
_cell_angle_beta 97.910
_cell_angle_gamma 90.000
_cell_volume 286.97
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P21/c'
Na1 4 e 0.3206 0.4389 0.7177 1. 3.8
Na2 4 e 0.2176 0.7512 0.5568 1. 4.5
N1 4 e 0.0957 0.4310 0.2519 1. 3.9
N2 4 e 0.2065 0.3335 0.1699 1. 4.0
O1 4 e 0.2321 0.5559 0.3274 1. 4.5
O2 4 e 0.4763 0.3518 0.1516 1. 3.1
The whole reference is inserted into the _pub_section_title_
but who cares ?-). The ENCIFER software can read it.
Note that ENCIFER is a CIF editor and visualizer.
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