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Re: [sdpd] help on Rietveld refinement


>As a beginner in pattern fitting and Rietveld refinement, I am running into
>problems.  The sample is a gamma (or eta) Al2O3 powder (with minor alfa
>phase, which is corundum).  Because of severe peak broadening, I can't even
>get a semi-satisfying fit.  I desperately need help from experts in the

Well, your pattern shows bad statistics and strong anisotropic
broadening. Even an experienced user of the Rietveld method
has problems with that. Moreover, eta/gamma/delta alumina
is not trivial structure...

Being given that the size/strain round robin is still stuck on
a simple case of isotropic size broadening, my advice would be
to read the latest IUCr CPD Newsletter No28 (and the very
similar No24) at :
and to contact expert people having presented a paper about
microstructure there.

Best wishes,



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