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[sdpd] STX:RIET: New version of the WinGX single crystal suite by Louis Farrugia

(as WinGX is also useful to powder diffraction, the Rietveld and SDPD
list are being Cc'd on this)

(apologies that this announcement is a bit belated)

A new version of WinGX Single Crystal suite (1.64.05) by Louis Farrugia 
of Glasgow University is now available for download via the web.  WinGX
links to a wide variety of structure solving programs (Shelxs, Sir, Patsee,
Dirdif), refinement programs (Shelxl, Crystals, Jana, Xtal) as well as a 
wide range of other subsidery programs - data analysis, absorption correction,
Fourier Maps, validation, etc, etc, etc.  If you have already registered
for WinGX 1.64 - there is no need to update the registration.

WinGX 1.64.05 Download site :

CCP14 Mirrors:
 UK: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/wingx/ver164.html
 CA: http://ccp14.sims.nrc.ca/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/wingx/ver164.html
 US: http://ccp14.semo.edu/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/wingx/ver164.html
 AU: http://ccp14.minerals.csiro.au/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/wingx/ver164.html


If you have any problems with setting up WinGX, please read Install_164.doc
in the installation directory, and/or see the FAQ page at the WinGX site


CCP14 Mirrors:
 UK: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/faq.html
 CA: http://ccp14.sims.nrc.ca/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/faq.html
 US: http://ccp14.semo.edu/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/faq.html
 AU: http://ccp14.minerals.csiro.au/ccp/web-mirrors/farrugia/~louis/software/faq.html


Changes over previous version

Many minor bug fixes, including
(a) A major bug, fortunately affecting very few installations
    now has a work around. It normally only affects Win98 with
    a very fast processor and results in Windows crashing and
    then either rebooting automatically or giving the blue
    screen. If you have experienced this problem with any of
    the programs in WinGX, then set a new environment variable
    SALFENVAR in your autoexec.bat file (Win 95/98/ME) or
    in System menu of Control Panel (Win NT/2000/XP). The value
    should be set to MASK_UNDERFLOW.
(a) Fixed problem with DIST calculation in CAMERON
(b) Make -nodirectrendering the default option for Mercury1.1
    due to a bug in this program when saving BMP or PNG files
(c) Bugfix for PROFIT and HKL-PROFILES when reading Siemens P4
    diffractometer file.
(d) Bugfix for SXGRAPH writing numerical SFAC entries to INS file
(e) The installation program has been changed so that installations
    to non-default directories should now work more automatically.
(f) Long names for compound ID should now work (max 80 characters).
    Note that the Change Job Dialog box assumes that the compound
    ID and sub-directory name are identical.
(g) The GUI for THMA has been extensively modified. It should
    provide the user with direct access to virtually all the
    facilities in THMA11 and THMA14c, without having to manually
    edit the input files. It is now also possible to read atomic
    parameters from a CIF file.
(h) Several small bug fixes in SIR92 and associated GUI.
(i) SYMMOL has been updated to the latest version (which includes
    several bug fixes)
(j) The interface to the SIR programs has been modified, and an
    interface to the new program SIR2002 has been added.

New facilities
(a) The program will automatically look up the WinGX web-site
    to determine if a new program version is available, and
    allow the user to download the new version. Of course this
    will only work if the PC is connected to the Internet. This
    is automatically carried out if more than 8 hours have
    elapsed since the last time the program was run. It is
    possible to switch off this feature (it is switched off by
    default), and it is also user selectable from the HELP menu.
(b) On installation, if no prior WINGX.INI file is found, the
    program will search your hard drive for all the plug-in
    programs currently supported by WinGX
(c) The FFT Fourier program now has a 2D-projection along any
    reciprocal cell axis.
(d) Data plots using the DPLOT program of David Hyde. This is
    available from http://www.dplot.com for a small fee ($32)
    and is an excellent plotting program for 2D and 3D data.
    It is available if the .GRF files are registered on your
(e) Bubble help is available on a few menus. This will be
    extended in future releases.
(f) The program CROMER is now provided in the WinGX release
    and will no longer be available as a stand-alone program.
(g) It is now possible to run all the absorption corrections
    which use PLATON in the NOCHECK mode, whereby errors in 
    the direction cosines are ignored.
(h) If the environment variable XTALHOME is found to be set,
    an installation of the program system XTAL 3.7.2 (or higher)
    is assumed. It is then possible to import the SHELX data
    into this program system and run several jobs directly from
    the GUI. Work is still under way by Doug du Boulay into the
    full implementation of this version, but a PRELIMINARY
    working version can be downloaded here.
    PLEASE NOTE : this version is completely unsupported and
    no queries regarding this matter will be answered.

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
    for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
  Birkbeck University of London and Daresbury Synchrotron Laboratory 
Postal Address: CCP14 - School of Crystallography,
                Birkbeck College,
                Malet Street, Bloomsbury,
                WC1E 7HX, London,  UK
Tel: (+44) 020 7631 6850   Fax: (+44) 020 7631 6803
E-mail: l.m.d.cranswick...@dl.ac.uk   Room: B091
WWW: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/


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