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Re: [sdpd] Synchrotron powder diffraction
I would echo this for the Advanced Photon Source, and in particular,
MR-CAT. We have the capability of doing high resolution PD at energies
from 10keV to 80keV. The hutch is not set up exclusively for this but is
easily reconfigured. MR-CAT is now accepting Independent Investigator
proposals through the APS User Office. Relevant links are
Carlo Segre, Deputy Director, MR-CAT
On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 pstephens...@notes.cc.sunysb.edu wrote:
>I'm often puzzled when I hear, in this discussion group, at conferences,
>and elsewhere, people express the opinion that synchrotron radiation for
>their powder diffraction experiments is out of reach. I hear that far more
>often than I hear requests for information or to collaborate. As far as I
>know, all of the operating synchrotron radiation facilities have some kind
>of general user program for people who are not part of the "synchrotron
>establishment" to have access. It may not be the same as having a
>synchrotron beamline of your own (actually nobody has that), but these
>instruments have really become a commodity rather than a heroically
>difficult thing to access and use.
>The deadline for the next cycle of general user proposals at the NSLS is
>September 30th. There are several beamlines here suitable for powder
>diffraction for SDPD; I'm writing now just to advertise the one that I
>operate, X3B1. You can find some information, including references to
>recent publications, on my web site, powder.physics.sunysb.edu. Materials
>to apply for beamtime can be found on the NSLS web site,
>If travelling to the NSLS seems burdensome, I can run your samples in a
>"mail in" mode. Write a proposal as if you intended to come, and mail me
>the sample (with needed safety info!) and I'll slip it in when I have a
>window of time. Often, much sooner than you could get here yourself.
>Peter W. Stephens
>Professor and Director of the Graduate Program
>Department of Physics & Astronomy
>State University of New York
>Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
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Carlo U. Segre -- Professor of Physics
Illinois Institute of Technology
Voice: 312.567.3498 Fax: 312.567.3494
Carlo.Segre...@iit.edu http://www.iit.edu/~segre
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