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[sdpd] RIET:STX:Latest IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction Newsletter on-line
Sent on behalf of Paolo Scardi:
The IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction issues a free hardcopy
newsletter that is available to anyone who contacts the
CPD chairman to get added to the distribution list:
prof. Paolo Scardi (E-mail: Paolo.Scardi...@ing.unitn.it )
As explained below, a PDF version is also available:
No. 25 of the CPD Newsletter is devoted to Structure Solution
from Powder Diffractometery (SDPD) with Bill David of
ISIS - CLRC Rutherford Lab, UK as the editor:
In this issue there are articles by I Madsen, D Balzar,
A Le Bail, L M D Cranswick, L B McCusker, Ch Baerlocher,
T Wessels, P Sieger, R. Dinnebier, K Shankland, W I F David,
P W Stephens, S Pagola, D S Bohle, A D Kosar, A N Fitch,
G B M Vaughan, A J Mora, R B von Dreele, L Smrcok, M Durik,
K M D Harris, R L Johnson, E Tedesco, G W Warner, N Shankland,
A Kennedy, C S Frampton, A Florence, A Altomare, C Giacovazzo,
A G G Moliterni, R Rizzi,
The PDF of the newsletter can be viewed (as well as back issues)
via the IUCr website or any of its mirrors:
As a bonus, "Outcomes of the International Union of Crystallography
Commission on Powder Diffraction Round Robin on Quantitative Phase
Analysis samples 1a to 1h: Ian Madsen, Nicola Scarlett, Lachlan Cranswick
and Thuang, Lwin" can also be downloaded via the link
"Annex to the newsletter (1.8MB)"
"The next issue of the CPD Newsletter will be edited by Robert Dinnebier
to appear in autumn of 2001.
Robert will greatly appreciate contributions from readers on matters of
interest to the powder diffraction community, e.g. meeting reports,
future meetings, developments in instruments, techniques and news of
general interest. Please contact him for sending articles and suggestions.
Software developments can be addressed directly to Lachlan Cranswick;
or to the Editor of Newsletter No 26:
Dr R. E. Dinnebier (Robert)
Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung
Heisenbergstrasse 1
D-70569 Stuttgart
E-mail: r.dinnebier...@fkf.mpg.de "
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Birkbeck University of London and Daresbury Laboratory
Postal Address: CCP14 - School of Crystallography,
Birkbeck College,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury,
WC1E 7HX, London, UK
Tel: (+44) 020 7631 6849 Fax: (+44) 020 7631 6803
E-mail: l.m.d.cranswick...@dl.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk
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