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RE: [sdpd] How hot are the "special methods" for SDPD ?


>I would simply be happy if SDPD could solve all my poor-quality (bad
>crystallinity, presence of impurities...) high-pressure inorganic samples

Sure, I have also a few problems, more frequently than I would
like... Methods work wonderfully only with wonderful data, at all steps.
Being able to estimate quickly if it is reasonable to expect a 
solution from a problem, or if it will be waste of time, is not yet
inside expert systems. But your eyes seing a powder pattern
should transmit enough information to your brain for decision 
about the interest of wasting time or not ;-). SDPD has limits.

Send me your most awful powder patterns for a database of
cases impossible to solve by the SDPD methods, I would add my
own garbage ;-)

Best regards,



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