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Re: [sdpd] Digest Number 139
At 06:08 PM 4/25/01 +0500, you wrote:
>More than two months ago I posted the following message and stilll
>I did not get any help from anyone.Is it not wonderful?
Dear Zia,
here is the full text of the reply I sent to your earlier message:
Dear Zia,
All the single crystal information you would require can be found in the
Cambridge Structural Database. However, I guess from your e-mail address
that you do not have access to this, so I will forward your message to the
right person within the place I work, CCDC, which is the organisation that
compiles the database. The information on the particular compounds you
mention will be sent to you. There are literally hundreds of "similar"
compounds stored too, so without further qualification it is not possible
to send more, unless you enter into correspondence with my colleague. She
will be in touch with you soon.
For powder diffraction information (peak heights, d-spacings etc) I imagine
the ICDD's Powder Diffraction File will have all the necessary information.
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
Steve Maginn,
I presume from the tone of your e-mail that my colleague has not in fact
been in touch with you.
For this I can only apologise. I would normally have answered your request
myself (as I did the recent sucrose one) but as it required a good deal of
work, and some further clarification, I handed it on to the person who
deals with such requests, which normally come to us at the addresses
deposit...@ccdc.cam.ac.uk or support...@ccdc.cam.ac.uk . As your request came in
through a different route to usual, it may have gone astray.
Please understand that although I can answer occasional requests for single
or a small number of structures very easily and quickly, anything more and
/ or through other than the normal sources needs more work, and this is not
my normal function !
I did not receive any further message, although I have been out of the
office for some time and not looking at SDPD archives.
I will try to provide you separately with the 6 compounds you name. If you
have any further requests then please address them to
support...@ccdc.cam.ac.uk - such requests will not then get lost.
best regards,
Steve Maginn,
Dr. Stephen J. Maginn,
Support and Marketing Manager,
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC),
12 Union Road,
Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK
phone +44 (0)1223 762534
FAX +44 (0)1223 336033
e-mail maginn...@ccdc.cam.ac.uk
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