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Re: [sdpd] error measurements
Yes I understand all what Jeremy wants to say, even better, GSAS nowadays
does calculate the residuals with and without background substraction. And
what do I find, even with 'good' fits? A rather high number of nines for
the Rwp with background substraction. Of course this is not always the
case, but it does happen more often than desired.
Jaap Vente
Cinvestav-IPN Unidad Merida
Departamento de Fisica Aplicada
Carretera Ant. a Progreso km 6
Apartado Postal #73 Cordemex
Merida, Yucatan, 97310
Fax: +52 (9) 981 29 17
Tel: +52 (9) 981 29 60 ext 243/230
e-mail: jaap...@mda.cinvestav.mx
web: http://www.mda.cinvestav.mx/