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Re: [sdpd] Poll results for sdpd
On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Armel Le Bail wrote:
> That poll was not a big participation success, with 98.9 %
> having not voted.
> .... allows to conclude that powder diffractionists
> would :
> NEVER "fully trust a space group automatically proposed
> from powder diffraction data from a software."
I think it only allows us to conclude that 1.1% of powder diffractionists
would never fully trust software. A more realistic conclusion would be
that the overwhelming majority were unable to express their viewpoint
within the choices given. Anyway, is any of this spacegroup proposing
software available yet, I'd be interested to try it out.
Does anyone FULLY trust their Rietveld programs, bond distance angle
software or powder indexing programs? They're usually about right, but I
wouldn't want any of them being involved with a life support machine :)
Cheers, Jon
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