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Re: [sdpd] The (small) budget makes the law
> >Is there a web tutorial showing this done in 10 minutes?
> >Potentially with some images substituting for those 1000 words?
> I will build one and give a Web link.
> However :
I may not have been clear here. I was referring to program
"setup" time.
> - How many time for being sure that you are studying an
> unknown sample ?
Maybe a minute setup time in a search match program:
A few minutes to setup for a connectivity search in Platon/Quest
using a structure drawn in Corina:
> - How many time for indexing ?
A few minutes to setup for peak profiling in XFIT:
Less than a minute setup time to start using Crysfire and Chekcell
for powder indexing:
> - How many time for guessing the molecule formula and
> shape ?
For a molecular organic:
Part of that 10 minutes setting up for ESPOIR by "not take
more than 5 minute to extract one of the 200,000 molcules
from http://www.webmolecules.com" ??
> - How many time for extracting the structure factor
> amplitudes ?
A few minutes to setup in LHPM-Rietica via the GUI:
A few minutes to setup in GSAS using Brian Toby's EXPGUI -
once you know the various tricks to use in GSAS - refer:
Same if you have the Fullprof template file (no GUI to
do this as yet?):
Maybe 2 to 5 minutes to process the results through Overlap
to get F's, Fsq's and intensity files.
> Certainly more than 10 minutes. Using ESPOIR or PowderSolve
> or DASH (etc) is the iceberg top.
In terms of setup time - I would disagree - setting up the
freeware ESPOIR real space structure solution would be the
main time consumer here - at least without that guide on
how to do this in 10 minutes?
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703 Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: l.cranswick...@dl.ac.uk Ext: 3703 Room C14
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