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[sdpd] Re: crystal structure of Lu2O3

Hi everyone:

One of our graduate students is looking for the crystal data for Lu2O3
(unit-cell parameters, x y z of the atoms, etc...) and he cannot find them.
 If anyone out there knows where we can find that (reference of original
structural publication), we would much appreciate.

With many thanks,


	Georges Y.M. DENES
	Associate Professor of Chemistry
	Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
	1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
	Montreal, Qc, H3G 1M8
	Tel.:   (514) 848-3346 (office)
		 (514) 848-3366 (secretary)
		 (514) 482-3608 (home)
	Fax: 	 (514) 848-2868
	e-mail:  gdenes...@vax2.concordia.ca

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