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Re: [sdpd] how to purchase a high resolution diffractometer
If transmission setup is recommended for Rietveld
as given below:
What methods are used for handling absorption/packing
density so that thermal parameters can still make some
sense as well as doing occupancy work?
(Ian Madsen at CSIRO was using industrial diamond
as a dilutant for the capillaries which was working
quite well - though reflection seemed to be much
nicer negating problems due to absorption with
transmission mode data)
I would have thought for "generic" inorganics - reflection
mode would be preferable for Rietveld structure
refinement(?) - assuming preferrered orientation is not that
big a problem. Am away from the office - thus from possibly
flawed memory - transmission mode datasets on the 2nd
Rietveld Refinement Round Robin paper (Hill and Cranswick)
for laboratory sources gave some of the worst results?
(though this may not be a statistically valid given
the limited number of lab transmission mode datasets
that were collected)
Routine loading of capillaries can also be tedious and
an expensive consumable after a while.
I take it that with the original request - minimizing
running and consumable costs are important?
PS: What are good sources of XRD capillaries these days
and what is the pricing?
PPS: Also, for indexing purposes - how is the systematic
non-linear peak offset due to absorption in the capillary
handled? Also, I believe most Rietveld codes do not include
this offset as an option when dealing with capillary data?
> I basically agree with Robin Shirley's earlier comments. I would add that
> the transmission setup can be optimized further than we do here regarding
> resolution - our Bragg-Brentano setup has narrower peak widths than the
> equivalent capillary transmission setup, but that is our choice! :-)
> As usual there is a compromise between resolution and intensity, and our setup
> is more for Rietveld refinement than say indexing.
> Having a choice of two diffractometers, it is clear that certain types of
> experiment are done better on one than the other and vice versa. Routine
> sample identification if usually better on the reflection setup, whereas
> Rietveld work is nearly always better with the transmission geometry. Also
> capillaries are easier to cool - routine with a liq. N2 cryostream, somewhat
> less routine with a liq. He cryostat. This is something you should consider
> when working with organic materials where the high-angle part of the
> pattern may be wiped out by thermal motion at room temperature.
> Jeremy Karl Cockcroft,
> School of Crystallography,
> Birkbeck College, University of London,
> United Kingdom.
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703 Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: l.cranswick...@dl.ac.uk Ext: 3703 Room C14
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