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[sdpd] Seminars raining about SDPD
Despite the still small number of published SDPDs per year (~50),
seminars and workshops or symposiums are continuously raining,
and none is advertised at this SDPD mailing list by the organizers.
Again, I will do the job :-|
The two latest are from MSI and ICDD :
1) MSI, from which you probably received very recently a postcard
with the tetracycline hydrochloride powder pattern picture.
Extracted from these Web pages :
>In recent years, new methods have emerged enabling the solution
>of increasingly complex crystal structures from powder diffraction
>data. MSI has spearheaded this exciting evolution with the
>development of Powder Solve, a program that has been extensively
>tested and validated by the members of the Pharmaceutical Development
>Consortium. Previously available only in the Cerius2 modeling
>environment on UNIX workstations, Powder Solve has been used
>successfully for more than a year by academic and industrial
>researchers to solve numerous crystal structures of industrial interest.
Comment : "spearheaded", is that not a bit exaggerated for a
program used "for more than a year", after 50 different teams have
published > 400 papers since 1977 ?
The second not announced event is the PPXRD-2 from ICDD
(Pharmaceutical Powder X-Ray Diffraction Symposium),
Strasbourg, France, spring 2001.
Hopefully, the 220000 powder patterns calculated from the
CSD will be inserted into PDF-2 at that date ?
Powder-Solve was already demonstrated at PPXRD-1. But
at that moment, the program was only available to the MSI
Pharmaceutical consortium.
What will be the cost now for any researcher ? I could not find the
information at the MSI Web site
All these commercial efforts for a so small market is quite
impressive ! All these workshops supposed to form so many new
experts ! As a conclusion, I will look for a clear increase in the
number of published SDPDs this year or the next one... unless
routine will not be at the rendez-vous once again.
Programs and fast demos at workshop are not sufficient in
SDPD matters, however you will find a list of competitor (some
freeware) programs at :
Armel Le Bail
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