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Re: [sdpd] Fullprof: separator missing & thermal parameters
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>What does "separator missing" mean in Fullprof ?
I never encountered that error. In the Fortran source code (Ffaux.for),
it is question of having a blank or a tab in first position, but
it is not clear which line (a separator is a blank or a tab):
c---- if not 1rst field, 1rst character must be a separator
if (nC_L.gt.1) Then
nC_L = nC_L+1
Car = aLine(nC_L:nC_L)
if (Car.ne.' ' .and. Car.ne.cTab) then
iErr = iErrSepMiss ! separator missing
end if
nC_X = nC_X+1
End if
I have tried to introduce faults in a .pcr file without obtaining that
kind of answer. Having your .pcr would help to understand.
>I also wish to know how to set the "initial thermal parameters" in a first
>Rietveld Refinement try.
Depends on the temperature measurement and on the kind of
sample :
-room temperature
- inorganic sample : thermal B factor for
O, F, N : B = 1. to 1.5
small cations (Fe, Zn, ...) : B = 0.5
large cations : B = 1. to 1.5
- organic sample :
C, O, N : B = 2. to 3.
- low temperature : less than above, divide by 2 if T < 40K.
These are only recommendations...
Armel Le Bail