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[sdpd] Re: Help on ITO input file
--- In sdpd...@egroups.com, L.M.D.Cranswick...@d... wrote:
> A suggestion for obtaining starting input files
> for the common indexing programs (ito, treor, dicvol,
> lzon, taup, kohl, fjzn) would be to use the
> Crysfire suite for DOS:
> Crysfire Tutorials:
> http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/tutorial/crys/
> Even if you don't want to use the interface
> functionality, it will generate all the relevant
> control files that can be manually edited.
On a pedagogical point of view, the authors of the
SDPD Internet Course have preferred to propose first
a session on the separate programs TREOR, DICVOL, ITO,
and then a session on CRYSFIRE, which is a quite big
piece, hard to embrace easily in a first approach of
Armel Le Bail