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Re: [sdpd] Search-match software

The ICDD offers clinics in XRF and XRD.
Details can be found on our web site: www.icdd.com
For XRD, we offer:

Session I - Fundamentals of X-ray Powder Diffraction - June 5-9, 2000
Session II - Advanced Methods in X-ray Powder Diffraction - June 12-16, 2000

Both Sessions contain hands-on laboratory components.  This year we are 
concentrating on two ICDD computer-aided search programs: PCPDFWIN and 
PCSIWIN.  We will also use Jade 3.0 (from MDI) to deal with data processing 
and some search/match components of the clinics.  We currently have 30 
registrants for XRD-I and 10 registrants for XRD-II.

PCSIWIN was first released in 1998; the current release is version 
2.01.  This Search-Index program was designed as an alternative to our 
Hanawalt and Fink Search Manuals.  PCSIWIN provides for ascii-formatted 
data input: d,I(peak) or,  wavelength, 2-theta,I(peak), and does perform 
match functions.  However, it is not an automated search/match program.

John Faber

At 09:05 AM 5/3/00 +0200, you wrote:
>I would be curious to know what are the search-match
>programs used along the ICDD clinics.
>The first week of the SDPD Internet Course is devoted
>to identification by powder diffractometry. As no search-
>match program is available for free, to my knowledge,
>the future student is informed that he should find, for that
>week, an access to PDF-2 and a search-match program.
>As the students are now 9, a small report on that question
>can be done. Possibly, that need for PDF-2 and a search-
>match program may discourage subscriptions. Indeed, 3
>students had not any access to PDF-2 or to a search-match
>program or to both of them... so that they should directly
>go to the week-2 material (and of course I give advice
>to make efforts for acquiring or accessing PDF-2 in another
>close lab - so I am sometimes a rational ICDD defender ;-).
>Seems to me that there is a bolt.
>I understand well that one way of distribution for PDF-2
>is by manufacturers which sell an independent search-match
>software together with a diffractometer. This is probably
>why PDF-2 does not include any native search-match process
>(if I am wrong, tell me !). But this is amazing... Has ICDD
>any project to add a basic search-match process into PDFWin ?
>Or is it too much in contradiction with other commercial
>interests ?
>Armel Le Bail

Dr. John Faber
Principal Scientist
12 Campus Boulevard
Newtown Square, PA, 19073
ph : (610)325-9814
fax: (610)325-9823
e-mail: faber...@icdd.com
also see: http:\\www.icdd.com