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[sdpd] DASH news ...
Hi folks,
This is my first post to this board, but I hope to become a regular
CCDC will indeed be distributing DASH. We have an agreement with CLRC by
which we are collaborating with Bill David and Ken Shankland in converting
the program into a robust, easy-to-use, fully validated and supported product.
Although we showed an early version of the interface at the Glasgow IUCr
Congress - and indeed at the PPXRD symposium hosted by ICDD in September -
there was still more work to do. Our plan is for an alpha test release
during the first half of this year, and this is now expected after Easter.
Commercial release will hopefully be possible around mid-year. There's been
some particularly encouraging progress recently, in fact.
I'm sure many people are itching to get their hands on DASH, and would love
to be involved in the testing programme, but we already have our testers
lined up and aren't looking for any more at this stage.
Apologies for the lack of information. I'll try to keep you all up to date,
as far as I can, from now on.
Steve Maginn
Dr. Stephen J. Maginn,
Support and Marketing Manager,
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC),
12 Union Road,
Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK
phone +44 (0)1223 762534
FAX +44 (0)1223 331116
e-mail maginn...@ccdc.cam.ac.uk