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[sdpd] nanocrystallites+Instr.Resolution
i actually work on structure refinement
(fullprof ) on nanocrystalline lanthanum manganites powders.
I would like to take into account the
crystallite size directly in my fullprof refinement because if i let
vary the U,V,W..parameters, it seems
very difficult to keep them stable when varying other parameters.
So, i tried to determine the Gaussian
and Lorentzian contributions to instrument resolution on LaB6
but many programs of peak shape function
analysis use the pseudo-voigt function (and not voigt) which gives
the same value for both contributions.
Nowadays i try to fitt LaB6 peaks with a Pearson VII
function which seems to work better than PV and then i will try to
it with a Gaussian and then with a Lorentzian function
to extract the Two FWHM(G) and FWHM(L) contributions.
My question is:
Am i doing well ? or are there programs that allow to
fit peaks with voigt function, with Ka1 and Ka2, and a knwon ratio
between the two
wavelengths ?