variable counting time
Riccardo Vivani ( )
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 16:18:05 +0100
Dear Rietveld Users,
I would like to know a little more on variable counting time
Has the technique real advantages?
In which cases the technique can be useful?
After conversion with a suitable program, are the data well treatable
with the usual Rietveld programs (for example GSAS)?
I found a program which is able to manage a Philips PW1710 and work out
data according to VCT acquisitions. It is named XRDTIME, by CSIRO.
Does anyone of you know it?
Thank you
-- -------------------------------------| Riccardo Vivani || Laboratorio di Chimica Inorganica || Dipartimento di Chimica | | via Elce di Sotto, 8 || 06123 PERUGIA - ITALY || Tel. +39 75 585 5564 | | Fax. +39 75 585 5566 || e-mail: |-------------------------------------