If you try to use it for every-day powder data collection you not only waste
your money but the time also - if you go for the same statistics and
resolution the Bragg-Brentano geometry can give you.
BTW how expensive it is in US - in Europe they sell it for roughly $2700?
If you need more details let me know.
The general advice is to buy something else for the money. It can be PSD
which will give you 50 times faster data collection at the expense of the
resolution(some 50% worse), or some spare X-ray tubes so that you can run
them at full power (intensity gain at the expense of the tube life-time).
And for goodness sake, don't believe the Siemens salesmen. Even people
in their demonstration lab hardly know what they are dealing with.
Stan(islaw) Gierlotka | High Pressure Research Centre
xray@iris.unipress.waw.pl | Polish Academy of Sciences
X-Ray Diffraction Lab. | Sokolowska 29, 01-142 Warszawa, Poland
phone +(48 22) 6328497 | phone (international) +(48) 3912 3276
| | phone (local) +(48 22) 6325010
| | | fax (international) +(48) 3912 0331
| | | | | fax (local) +(48 22) 6324218