We are currently working on temperature dependent powder data that were
taken some time ago. Something odd seems to happen to most of the peaks
when the temperature changes. The intensity of almost every peak changes
with the temperature randomly. Some peaks are getting smaller then bigger
again, whereas others are getting bigger and then smaller. There is no
tendency in this. For example one is not able to see the same effect for
all peaks. WHile some peaks are getting smaller others are getting bigger
and the other way around.
Has anybody ever noticed a behaviour like this?
The data were taken on a Scintag Instrument with a peltier cooled
detector. The temperature range I was talking about ranges between 30 and
180 degrees C. We don't observe a solid-solid or any other kind of
transition in this range.
Thanks for your help.
Dr. Martina Ralle (423)974-2087 (phone)
Department of Chemistry (423)974-3454 (FAX)
University of Tennessee Ralle@UTK.EDU
Knoxville, TN 37996-1600