Magnetic Phases with FullProf

Carsten Schinzer ( )
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 07:19:59 +0200 (MESZ)

Hi all,

we are up to perform a refinement of a neutron diffraction pattern with
magnetic reflections. Since the manual of FullProf is surely correct
but a hard stuff to learn from as a complete beginner to magnetic phase

(1) Is there a paper / publication to describe the idea of the magnetic
phase in more detail?

(2) People here do not use the concept of matrices for the magnetic
moments and prefer to do calculations with a triclinic symmetry for the
magnetic phase. This seems a bit the hard way - isn't it possible to
apply at least a subgroup of the crystallographic phase?

Anyways - if there is any one to help us out there, please could you please

- point us to text sources to understand the concept ?

- send one/some example files over here ?

In case you feel this is the basic stuff, please use my mail address
( and not the reply-to address (which
is the mailing list). I don't want to bother anyone with boring basics.

Thank you very much.
