Judith L. Flippen-Anderson
Patricia Coley
Jane Griffin
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[Contents] The IUCr Newsletter is distributed to 587 libraries and 15,000 crystallographers and other interested individuals in 39 countries. The IUCr also runs Crystallography Online, available at www.iucr.org, as a complement to the IUCr print newsletter. Feature articles, meeting announcements and reports, information on research or other items of potential interest to crystallographers should be submitted to the editor at any time. Submission of text by electronic mail and graphics, slides or photographs by express mail is requested. Items will be selected for publication on the basis of suitability, content, style, timeliness, and appeal. The editor reserves the right to edit. Cost of distribution in Australia, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, France, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Thailand, and Venezuela is borne by crystallographic associations or institutions or by individual crystallographers in these countries. Address changes or corrections and requests to be added to the mailing list should be addressed to the editorial office. If you would like to see a copy of the IUCr Newsletter in your college or university library, send the address to the Newsletter office so that we can add it to our mailing list. Send Contributions to: c/o HauptmanWoodward Med. Research Inst., 700 Ellicott St., Buffalo, NY 14203, USA Tel.: 716-898-8690 · FAX: 716-898-8695 e-mail: patti@hwi.buffalo.edu Matters pertaining to advertisements should be addressed to P. Coley at the above address. The IUCr Newsletter (ISSN 1067-0696; coden IUC-NEB) is published quarterly (4x) by the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr Executive Secretary e:mail execsec@iucr.org). Members receive the IUCr Newsletter by virtue of country membership in the IUCr. Periodical postage rates paid at Buffalo, NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to IUCr Newsletter Editorial Office, c/o Hauptmann-Woodward Medical Research Institute, 700 Ellicott St. Buffalo, NY 14203 USA.
If you do not receive a personal copy of the IUCr Newsletter and would like to do so, or if you wish to change the address to which your copy is sent, please complete the online form. In case of difficulty, please contact the Newsletter Editorial office directly: Fax 1 716 898 8690 or e-mail: patti@hwi.buffalo.edu
Full Contents of the IUCr NewsletterVolume 15 (2007)Volume 14 (2006)Volume 13 (2005)Volume 12 (2004)Volume 11 (2003)Volume 10 (2002)Volume 9 (2001)Volume 8 (2000)Volume 7 (1999)Volume 6 (1998)Volume 5 (1997)
Volume 4 (1996)
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