Forwarded due to unsociable IUCr listserv. Hopefully Davide can now post message from the from the subscribed address. Lachlan. >DAVIDE.VITERBO@MFN.UNIPMN.IT > >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Dear All, >I am glad to see that there is a lively discussion >within the Computing Commission about the planning >of the School and of the Microsymposia related to >the IUCr-2005 in Florence. >As far as the School is concerned I think that it >should last at least 4 days, but 5 days would be optimal. >I do not think this will make a significant difference >in the cost of attending the school, to the point of >discouraging a potential partecipant. Of course some >financial support for young participants must be found. >I also totally agree with Bev's comment that "Hands-on >computer experience is certainly useful, but equally of >interest ......... were the lectures on computing >subjects that were done without anything more than an >overhead projector". More than on demos of software the >school should concentrate on the illustration of the basic >algorithms. >Coming to the microsymposia for the congress, I am closely >following all the steps done by Carlo Mealli to set up a >Program Committee and I do not understand David (Brown)'s >comment: >"I am surprised that the commissions are being gently blamed >for not providing program suggestions, as I had the distinct >impression from earlier correspondence, that the Program Chair >was interested only in names for the Program Committee at this >stage, and did not want to receive suggestions for the program >itself until after the Program Committee had been appointed" >In his first letter to the commission chairs Carlo asked for >some preliminary suggestions and indeed some commissions >provided this information. I know there were some mailing >problems and that Ton received the letter with some delay. >The idea of sending a second letter asking for some more >information was suggested by the IUCr president and discussed >during his recent visit to Firenze, and the gentle blame was >for those few chairs who did not even reply to the first letter. >In any case I strongly favor David's suggestions for including >in the commission proposals a MS organized by COMCIF and the >inclusion in the school of at least one lecture on the impact of >information technology on the future of crystallography. > >With my best wishes > >Davide > > > > > >> Dear Ton, >> >> I am addressing this letter to you as the chair of the Computing >> Commission, but it is intended as an open letter to the whole Commission >> and is copied to the COMCIFS discussion group for information. >> >> I am glad to see from Mealli's latest letter (Second Call) that >> preparations for the IUCr Congress in Florence in 2005 are moving along >> well, though I am surprised that the commissions are being gently blamed >> for not providing program suggestions, as I had the distinct impression >> from earlier correspondence, that the Program Chair was interested only >> in names for the Program Committee at this stage, and did not want to >> receive suggestions for the program itself until after the Program >> Committee had been appointed. >> >> I wrote to the Program Chair earlier in my capacity as chair of >> COMCIFS, requesting space in the program for open and closed COMCIFS >> meetings, I was told that my request should be placed through one of the >> commissions as they represent the full range of activities of the Union. >> Since the Computing Commission is the obvious choice, I have been >> following instructions, trying in a gentle way to make sure that the >> Computing Commission provides a channel for COMCIFS' messages. I assume >> that this is the main reason I was asked to serve as a member of the >> Computing Commission. >> >> Since we are now being asked for program suggestions for the >> Florence congress, can I, as chair of COMCIFS, ask you, as chair of the >> Computing Commission, to note COMCIFS' request for an open meeting or >> possibly a microsymposium, and to make sure that this request is passed >> on the Program Committee? COMCIFS will organize the program for this >> meeting which will focus on how CIF will help crystallographers get the >> most our of the impending information revolution. Over the past decade >> we have prepared the groundwork with a potentially very powerful file >> structure. We now need to get the message out to the community so that >> this >> potential can be properly exploited by the programs the Commission >> members are writing. COMCIFS' activities are, I believe, highly >> relevant to the work of the Computing Commission and we both should >> benefit at this stage from closer collaboration. >> >> In previous Congresses, COMCIFS has organized its own open >> meetings, but since COMCIFS is not a commission but a subcommittee of >> the IUCr Executive Committee, we have never been consulted in the early >> stages of program planning and our open meetings have always been >> scheduled as last minute additions to the program. I am hoping that at >> Florence the interests of COMCIFS will be properly integrated into the >> program. By funnelling this request through the Computing Commission I >> hope we can expand the traditional activities of the Commission by >> including more of a focus on how the information revolution will affect >> crystallography. >> >> I am glad to see that the plans are shaping up for a Computing >> School to be run in conjunction with the Congress and I would like to >> suggest that this school include at least one lecture on the impact of >> information technology on the future of crystallography. I would see >> this as a lecture that would interest all those attending the school, >> since the students at the school will become the crystallographers who >> will have to live with the changes that this new technology brings. >> Such a lecture would also provide some light relief from the School's >> more focused emphasis on algorithms etc. >> >> I look forward to working with you to help integrate COMCIFS' >> concerns into the work of the Computing Commission and trust that you >> will be able to add our requests into the suggestions you make to the >> Florence Program Committee. >> >> Best wishes >> >> David >> >> >> ***************************************************** >> Dr.I.David Brown, Professor Emeritus >> Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, >> McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada >> Tel: 1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710 >> Fax: 1-(905)-521-2773 >> >> ***************************************************** > > >-- >Davide Viterbo, Prof. >Dip. di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate - Università del >Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro" - Corso T. Borsalino 54, >I-15100 Alessandria, Italy. > >Voice: +39-131-287414, Fax: +39-131-287416 >E-mail: > >******************************************************************** >Member of the Executive Committee of the International >Union of Crystallography (IUCr) > >Member of the Executive Committee of the European >Crystallographic Association (ECA) >*********************************************************************** ----------------------- Lachlan M. D. Cranswick 30th March till 5th May 2003 - visiting: Maproom Rm 31 Geochemistry - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University PO Box 1000, 61 Route 9W Palisades, New York 10964-1000 USA Tel: (845) 365-8302; Fax: (845) 365-8155; E-mail: After 6th May 2003: Neutron Program for Materials Research (NPMR), National Research Council (NRC), Building 459, Station 18, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1J0 Tel: (613) 584-8811; Fax: (613) 584-4040
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